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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 31.djvu/626

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which a group of nerve-cells so acts upon another group as to lower its capacity for work.

Inhibition in one nervous sphere is often accompanied with dynamogeny in another: the removal of cerebral influence, for instance, exalts the autonomy of the spinal cord. A good instance of the co-existence of the two processes is found in "expectant attention," which depends upon the high tension of the centers involved in anticipating the phenomena, with a corresponding inertia of the others. The reader will readily perceive how similar considerations may be employed in the elucidation of such phenomena as ecstasy, suggestion, muscular hyper-excitability, and intensified perception.—Fortnightly Review.



AN Industrial College has just been opened in the city of New York. The State Teachers' Association of New Jersey, at its recent session, devoted some time to the discussion of the question of "Manual Instruction." Almost every one of the current magazines has monthly contributions from prominent instructors, shedding new light upon this question of the coming education. So much in order to prove the timeliness of the following reference to the past.

Thomas Budd arrived in Burlington, New Jersey, in 1678. His father was the Rev. Thomas Budd, at one time rector of the parish of Martock, Somersetshire, England, but who forsook the state Church and became a follower of George Fox, and an ardent Quaker. Arriving in Burlington, Budd immediately assumed the rank of a leading citizen in that wonderful colony of West Jersey. If any doubt the propriety of the adjective wonderful, let them read Bancroft's tribute to the Quakers of West Jersey, and the laws which governed and the habits which distinguished them.

In 1683 Budd and Francis Collins were each granted a large tract of land near the Falls of Trenton, "in consideration and in discharge for building the market and court-house at Burlington." In 1684, in company with Samuel Jenings, Budd went to London to confer with Edward Byllinge about the affairs of the province. In 1685 he became a citizen and merchant of Philadelphia. In 1688 his name is found among the petitioners for a bank in that city. In the great controversy between George Keith and the Quakers, Budd espoused the cause of Keith, whose intimate friend he was, and in 1694 went with Keith to England to defend him before the yearly meeting. In 1685 Budd wrote and published "a small Treatise," the title-page bearing the following peculiar inscription and dedication: