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uses, and functions of the instruments and materials used. Each stage and process is taken up in detail and in the order of occurrence in actual work; so that nothing is taken for granted, and no previous acquaintance of the student with the subject is supposed.

The Treatment of Sewage. By Dr. C. Meymott Tidy. New York: D. Van Nostrand. Pp. 224. Price, 50 cents.

Dr. Tidy's researches on this subject are probably more widely known and more frequently quoted from than those of any other single author. He has made special studies through many years of the question of the disposal of the sewage of London. This manual gives the more important results of those studies, as they were presented by the author in a paper to the English Society of Arts.


Harris, William T. How to teach Natural Science in the Public Schools. Syracuse, N. Y.: C. W. Bardeen. Pp. 40. 15 cents.

Kaine, J. L., Milwaukee, Wis. Conditions of Health in Cities. Pp. 18.

Marvin, J. B., M. D., Louisville, Ky. Renal Colic, Parasitic and Calculous, "A Criticism." Pp. 26.

Wachsmuth, Charles, and Springer. Frank. The Summit Plates in Blastoids, Crinoids, and Cystius. etc. Pp. 33, with Plates.

Lea, M. Carey, Philadelphia. Papers on the Photo-Chemistry of the Silver Haloids. Pp. 36.

Illinois State Board of Health. Report of Proceedings. July Meeting, 1887. Pp. 15.

Donaldson. Prank, Baltimore, Md. Heredity in Tuberculosis. Pp. 22.

Foster, Michael, and others. The "Journal of Physiology," June, 1887. Cambridge, England. Pp. 90, with Plates. $5 a volume.

Kimball, Lieutenant W. W., and Capps, W. L. Report on the Progress of the Work on the Panama Canal during 1885. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 39, with Plates.

Withington. Charles F., M. D. Transmission of Infectious Disease through Rags. Pp. 69.

McCall, F., Twin Lakes, Minn. Thoughts on Theological and Scientific Theories. Pp. 86.

Stephenson. F. B., M. D., U. S. Navy. Duty of the State in Public Health. Pp. 11.

Rohé, George H. . M. D., Baltimore. Recent Advances in Public Medicine. Pp. 83.

Lewis, H. Carvill, Philadelphia. The Alleged Physical Phenomena of Spiritualism. Pp. 26.

Iowa State Board of Health, Monthly Bulletin, July. Pp. 13.

Halsted, Byron D. Germination of Curcubitaceous Plants. Pp. 6.

Massachusetts Agricultural Experiment Station. Feeding Experiments with Pigs. Pp. 16.

Mills, T. Wesley, Montreal. Retention and Loss of Hair from a Physiological Standpoint. Pp. 5.

Baker, L. W., Baldwinsville, Mass. Mental Epilepsy. Pp. 22.

Clark, Edward Gordon. The People's Right to Wealth, reduced to $s and Cents. "Monograph Publisher," New York. Pp. 14. 10 cents.

Cope, Edward D. Letters referring to the Completion of the Final Report of the United States Geological Survey of the Territories. Pp. 7.

Schlicht & Field Company, New York. "The Cosmopolitan," July, 1887. Monthly. Pp. 80. 20 cents a number, $2 a year.

Starling Medical College, Columbus, Ohio. Forty first Annual Announcement. Pp. 16.

Forbes, S. A., University of Illinois. The Lake as a Microcosm. Pp. 15.

Fry, Frank R., St. Louis. The Flexibility of the Metacarpophalangeal Joint of the Thumb. Folio.

Martin, H. Newell, and Brooks, W. K. Studies in the Biological Laboratory of Johns Hopkins University. Baltimore: N. Murray. Pp. 58, with Plates. 75 cents a number, $5 per volume.

Shufeldt, R. W., M. D. Observations upon the Habits of Micropus Melanoletieus. Pp. 8, with Plates. On the Visceral Anatomy of Certain Auks. Pp. 5. A Critical Comparison of a Series of Skulls of the Wild and Domesticated Turkeys. Pp. 16.

James, Joseph F., Cincinnati. Account of a Well drilled for Oil or Gas at Oxford, Ohio. Pp. 9.

National Agricultural Exposition at Kansas City, Mo. September to November, 1887. Prospectus. Pp. 48.

Ingersoll, Robert G. Centennial Oration on the Declaration of Independence. Buffalo, N. Y.: H. L. Green. Pp. 22.

Bulletins of the U. S. Geological Survey. No. 84, White, Charles A., M. D. On the Relations of the Laramie Molluscan Fauna. Pp. 54. 10 cents. No. 35. Barus, Carl, and Stroubal, Vincent. Physical Properties of the Iron Carburets. Pp. 62. 10 cents. No. 36. Barus, Carl. Subsidence of Fine Solid Particles in Liquids. Pp. 54. 10 cents. No. 37. Ward, Lester F. Types of the Laramie Flora. Pp. 120, with 57 Plates. 25 cents. No. 35. Diller, J. S. Perodotite of Elliott County, Kentucky. Pp. 31. 5 cents. No. 39. Upham, Warren. The Upper Beaches and Deltas of the Glacial Lake Agassiz. Pp. 84, with Map. 10 cents.

United States Brewers' Association. Twenty-seventh Convention, Baltimore. May. 1897. Proceedings. Pp. 125. A Solution of the Temperance Problem proposed in Switzerland. Pp 15. The Effects of Beer. Pp. 46. Report, State Board of Health of New York, on the Examinations of Beers. Pp. 35. Colonial Liquor Laws. Pp. 202. Real and Imaginary Effects of Intemperance. Pp. 167. Alleged Adulterations of Malt Liquors. Pp. 30. Some Thoughts on the International Temperance Meeting held at Antwerp in September, 1885. Pp 40. The System of High Licenses. Pp. 86. Liquor Laws of the United States. Pp. 250, with Tables. All prepared by G. Thomann.

Cherouny, Henry W., Editor. "Philosophy for the People." Quarterly. Pp. 49. 80 cents.

Wilder, Burt G. The Dipnoan Brain. Pp. 5.

Adams, Herbert B. Notes on the Literature of Charities Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Agency. Pp. 48. 25 cents.

State Board of Health, Wisconsin. Tenth Report. Madison. Wis. Pp. 250.

Truth-Seeker Company. New York. Nine Demands of the American Secular Union. Sheet. $1.

Drummond, A. T. The Distribution, etc., of British North American Plants. Pp. 12.

Wagner Free Institute of Science. Philadelphia. Transactions. Pp. 134, with Sixteen Plates.

Imperial University, Japan. Journal of the College of Science. Pp. 116, with Plates.

Butler, John S. M., D. The Curability of Insanity, and the Individualized Treatment of the Insane. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 59. 60 cents.

Ward, Lester F. Synopsis of the Flora of the