Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 31.djvu/892

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Railway Service, Industrial Education and 233
Region, A New African 284
Reynolds, Henry L., Jr. 519
Rivers, Various Kinds of 139
Rocks, How the Structure of, is Determined 425
Romanes, George J. 383
Rubies, Artificial 574

Safety in the Manufacture of High Explosives 265
Sand, Grains of 247
Savagery, The, of Boyhood 796
Scheele, Carl Wilhelm, Sketch of 839
School Discipline, An Incident in 714
School Education, Manual Training in 493
School-room Lights 715
Science and Pseudo-Science 207
Science, Literary 700
Science, Mediæval Jewish 845
Science, New Chapters in the Warfare of 373
Science, New Chapters in the Warfare of 452
Science, The Progress of, from 1836 to 1886 503
Serviss, Garrett P. 187
Serviss, Garrett P. 478
Sewage and Garbage, Disposal of 571
Sewerage and Typhoid Fever 138
Sex and Brain-Weight 266
Shufeldt, R. W. 268
Silk-Culture, The Prospect for, in the United States 573
Simms, Joseph, M.D. 355
Sleep and its Counterfeits 597
Snow-Masses, Influence of, on Climate 60
Social Sustenance 45
Social Sustenance 228
Social Sustenance 612
Social Sustenance 735
Specialization 612
Species, Effect of Climatic Changes on 286
Stars, the, Photography of 282
State Education 124
State, Functions of the 123
State, the, Encroachments of 847
Stature, Human, Variations in 314
Steam, Cooking by 427
Stokes, Professor 654
Structure, How the, of Rocks is determined 425
Studies, Elective, in American Colleges 281
Summer, The Stars of 187
Sustenance, Social 45
Sustenance, Social 228
Sustenance, Social 612
Sustenance, Social 735

Taylor, C. Fayette, M.D. 224
Teeth, Human, Anomalies in 428
Teeth, the, Caries of 426
Theology under Changed Conditions 171
Thomson, Sir William 19
Thomson, William, M.D. 794