Translated from the German by Zoe Dana Underhill. New York: William S. Gottsberger. Pp. 347.
Abercromby, Hon. Ralph. Weather: A Popular Exposition of the Nature of Weather Changes from Day to Bay. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 472. $1.75.
Jones, Lynds E. The Best Reading. Third series. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 108. $1.
Kedzie, J. H. Speculations: Solar Heat, Gravitation, and Sun Spots. Chicago: S. C. Griggs & Co. Pp 319.
Jacobson, Augustus. Higher Ground: Hints toward settling the Labor Troubles. Chicago: A. C. McClurg &. Co, Pp. 251.
Froebel, Friedrich. The Education of Man. Translated and Annotated by W. N. Hailmann. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 322. $1.50.
Thoreau, Henry D. Winter. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Pp. 439. $1.50.
Johonnot, James. Stories of Our Country. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 207. 47 cents.
Jordan, David Starr. Science Sketches. Chicago: A. C. McClurg & Co. Pp. 276. $1.50.
Muter, John. A Manual of Analytical Chemistry. Third edition. Philadelphia: P. Blakiston, Son & Co. Pp. 200, with Plates. $2.
Anders, J. M. A History of the Medical Class of '77. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. Pp. 101.
Baird, Spencer F. Report of the Commissioner of Fisheries for 1885. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 1108, with 150 Plates.
The Scientific Department of Brown University.—Brown University holds a respectable rank with the other colleges in this country of the same grade in its scientific department. Several of its officers of instruction who, in previous years, have filled chairs in this department achieved both success and reputation, and their names are well known in the circles of scientific men. It implies no invidious distinction to make special mention of the names of President Alexis Caswell and Professor George Ide Chace, the former well known in the Department of Natural Philosophy and Astronomy, and the latter in that of Chemistry. In the year 1850, under the presidency of Dr. Wayland, the university entered upon the trial of an experiment which was the result of the thoughtful deliberation of the distinguished head of the Institution. The sum of one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars was raised, chiefly among the citizens of Providence, so that the new order of things might start on a good financial basis. The radical changes in the proposed methods in carrying on college education was severely criticised by what may be called the conservative press of the country. On the other hand, the secular press, with great unanimity, hailed the movement as one eminently adapted to meet the demands of the age, that education should be brought nearer to the masses, and be better fitted to prepare men for the practical work of every-day life. From the very outset, the adoption of the new plan was followed by a large increase of zeal and thorough devotion to study in the scientific department of the university, and an impetus was given to this department, which, down to the present hour, has never lost its force. Aiming especially to reach and benefit the working-classes, first of all, by training men who, in due time, would be qualified to give instruction to such as sought it in the common walks of life, the projector of the plan wished to go beyond the narrow limits bounded by college walls, and in some way bring the university in direct contact with the producing portion of the community. Accordingly, it was arranged to give a course of lectures upon "The Principles and Processes employed in Calico Printing." Subsequently, Professor Chace delivered eight lectures upon "The Chemistry of the Precious Metals" to jewelers and other workers in those metals. An audience of between three and four hundred, filling Rhode Island Hall, listened with the greatest delight and profit to these lectures. The sentiments of this large body of respectable mechanics found a response in the remark of one of their number: "I see why it is that I have so often failed. I have been doing or trying to do these things all my life, without knowing why." The history of the scientific department of the university for nearly forty years is one of constant progress. The chairs of two professorships, that of Chemistry and that of Physics, have been placed on generous pecuniary foundations, and men of marked ability are filling these chairs. By the will of George F. Wilson the fund of one hundred thousand dollars has been paid into the treasury for the Department of Physics. Sixty or seventy thousand dollars of this bequest is to be appropriated to the erection of a physical laboratory. The income of ten thousand dollars is to be used for maintaining the equipment of the laboratory, and the income from the balance of the bequest