Cassiopeia, and other constellations that we studied in the "Stars of Autumn." Far over in the east we see rising Leo, Cancer, and Hydra, which we included among the "Stars of Spring." Occupying most of the southern and eastern heavens are the constellations which we are
Map 1.
now to describe under the name of the "Stars of Winter," because in that season they are seen under the most favorable circumstances. I have already referred to the striking manner in which the principal stars of some of these constellations are ranged round one another. By the aid of the map the observer can perceive the relative position of the different constellations, and having fixed this in his mind, he will be prepared to study them in detail.
Let us begin now with Map No. 2, which shows us the constellations of Eridanus, Lepus, Orion, and Taurus. Eridanus is a large though not very conspicuous constellation, which is generally supposed