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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 32.djvu/887

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I N D E X.

Abbe, Cleveland, Sketch of 400
Abercromby, The Hon. Ralph 648
"Act of God," The, and "Human Responsibility" (Editorial) 555
Advance, A Further (Editorial) 125
Advances, Recent, in Sanitary Science 136
Agassiz and Evolution (Le Conte) 17
Agassiz's Service to Evolution 717
Alaska and its Tundra 711
Albumen, Vegetable and Animal (Bernhardt) 541
Allen, Grant 189
Amazons, The Table-Topped Hills of the 137
American Cinquefoils (Allen) 189
American Zoölogists, What, have done for Evolution (Morse) 100
American Zoölogists, What, have done for Evolution (Morse) 492
Argyll, The Duke of 241
Astrologers, Persian 141
Astronomical Agency, A Central 282
Astronomy, Photography as an Aid to 426
Astronomy with an Opera-Glass (Serviss) 53
Astronomy with an Opera-Glass (Serviss) 511
Athletics, College, and Physical Development (Richards) 721
Atmospheric Dust, Accumulations of 712
Atwater, Professor W. O. 76
Audubon, The Proposed Monument to 281

Baeyer, John Jacob, Sketch of (Gore) 261
Bartol, H. W. 236
Basements, The Unhealthfulness of (Stlllman) 114
Bayou, What is a? (Williams) 123
Bears, Black 859
Beauty, The, of Old Wrought-Iron Work 857
Beebe, Edward H. 122
Bees, Some Notes about 137
Bernhardt, W. 541
Berthelot, M. P. E. 220
Binet, A., and Féré, C. 763
Bissell, Mary T., M. D. 504
Blake, Henry A. 682
Boas, Dr. Franz 628