borg viewed the world of mind and matter was a peculiar one, and does not correspond with that from which the scientific investigator or even the orthodox Christian of the present day regards it; but all concede, we believe, that he wrote learnedly and honestly, and with thoughts that appeal strongly to certain classes of men. According to the translator, the one desire and aim that animated the entire series of his writings was the "search for the soul." Concerning the scientific bearings of his works, Mr. Sewall declares that they speak "the glorious promise of a reward to be reached higher even than that sought for; of an end whose realization, only blindly striven for in the ascending ladders of knowledge, finally fills and illumines all the subordinate science with a light, a warmth, a beauty inconceivable before. . . . The scientists of the present day, with their careful elaboration of the facts of sensuous knowledge, are building wiser than they know; their own aims, the particular theories they seek to establish, are of minor account—they are the baubles placed before it to induce it to walk"—leading them on, of course, toward the realization of higher discoveries.
Another new language has been constructed, and is described by the inventor, Elias Molee, in his Plea for an Amerikan Language (the author, Bristol, D. T., $1.25). This language is based on English, rejecting all words not of Germanic origin, and with its spelling made phonetic by the aid of new letters, and its inflections made regular. Vowels have been preferred to consonants for inflectional endings, in order to give the new language more euphony than English has. The author claims that his Amerikan or Germanic-English language has the same excellences as Volapük, and is better adapted for use by the Germanic race.
The Report of the New York Agricultural Experiment Station for 1887, E. L. Sturtevant, Director, embodies the results of experiments in quite a wide range of subjects. Considerable work on the movements of soil-water and on the cultivation of the potato is reported. This volume contains also descriptions of varieties of twelve important vegetables, with classification, etc., nearly all of the varieties described having been grown at the station more than one season. Many minor topics have also received attention.
Dr. William H. Holcombe's pamphlet entitled Condensed Thoughts about Christian Science (Purdy Publishing Company) differs from the common run of expositions of this doctrine in being written in good English, and in showing for its author some ability to think. It presents a fairly clear view of the not very clear theory of "Christian science," or rather the author's interpretation of that theory, for hardly two writers on the subject agree with any closeness.
Fever-Nursing, by J. C. Wilson (J. B. Lippincott Company), is one of a series of "Practical Lessons in Nursing," by different authors, published by the same house. It is designed for the use of professional and other nurses, and especially as a textbook for nurses in training. The instructions were first given in courses of lectures given before the nurse class at the Philadelphia Hospital. In them the author has sought to treat the subject in plain words and from the standpoint of the physician, and to teach not only how fever-patients are to be cared for, but why they must be cared for in particular ways.
The Outlines of Practiced Physiology of Mr. William Stirling (P. Blakiston, Son & Co., $2.25) was designed primarily for the use of students in that branch in Owens College, and is now published in the belief that it will be found useful to other students as it has been to them. The peculiar feature of the book, as among students' manuals, is the prominence which is given to actual experimental work. It is, in fact, almost wholly a list and description of experiments, which the reader is expected to perform, according to the directions, for himself. They have been performed by the author in illustration of his lectures, and also by every member of his class. None of them, however, involve the infliction of pain upon living animals.
L'Iodisme (Iodism), by Elizabeth N. Bradley, of Dobbs Ferry (G. Steinheil, Paris), embodies in a volume of 168 pages the results of careful studies of the action of iodine upon the system, and the effects it produces