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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 33.djvu/876

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Illinois, University of Champaign, 111., Agricultural Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 2. Ensilage. Pp. 10.

Journal of American Folklore. Vol. I, No. 2. July to September, 1888. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. $8 a year; single numbers, $1.

Kirk, Eleanor, Brooklyn, N. Y. Periodicals that pay Contributors. Pp. 32.

Lippitt. Francis J. Physical Proofs of Another Life. Washington: A. S. Witherbee & Co. Pp . 65.

Loti, Pierre. An Iceland Fisherman. New York: W. S. Gottsberger. Pp. 232.

MacDowall, Alexander B. Facts about Ireland. London: Edward Stanford. Pp. 32.

Massachusetts Society for promoting Good Citizenship. Report of the Committee upon Works on Civil Government. Pp. 24.

Massachusetts State Agricultural Experiment Station, Amherst, Bulletin No. 30. Notes on Feeding Experiments with Pigs. Pp. 16.

New York Agricultural Experiment Station, Geneva, Bulletin No. 10. Fertilizers, Feeding-Stuffs, Digestion. Pp. G.

Ohio Agricultural Experiment-Station, Columbus, Bulletin No. 5, Second Series. Small Fruits. Pp. 16.

Packard, A. S. Entomology for Beginners. New York: Henry Holt & Co. Pp. 307. $1.

Proctor, Richard A. Old and New Astronomy, Parts IV and V. New York: Longmans, Green & Co.

Roberts, William C, D. D., Lake Forest, 111. Influence. Pp. 15.

Sensenig, David M. Numbers Symbolized, an Elementary Algebra. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 315. $1.26.

Traphogen, Frank W. Index to the Literature of Columbium, 1801-1887. Washington: Smithsonian Institution. Pp. 27.

Tuckerman, Alfred. Index to the Literature of the Spectroscope. Washington: Smithsonian Institution. Pp. 423.

Turner, Samuel E. A Sketch of the Germanic Constitution. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 185. $1.25.

United States Consular Reports. Special issue. No. 86. Washing and Treatment of Raw Wool. Washington: Department of State. Pp. 16.

University of Notre Dame (Ind.). Annual Catalogue for 1887-'88. Pp. 122.

Upham, Warren. Somerville, Mass. The Recession of the Ice-Sheet in Minnesota at Little Falls. Pp. 11.

Viala, Pierre. The French Viticultural Mission to the United States. Pp. 12.

Vierteljahresschrift der Chemie der Nahrungs und Genussmittel. New York: B. Westermann & Co. Pp. 692.

Ward, Lester F., Washington, D. C. Evidence of the Fossil Plants as to the Age of the Potomac Formation. Pp. 13. Asa Gray and Darwinism. Pp. 8.

Yale University, Observatory of. Report for 1886-'87. Pp. 15.


The Value of Scientific Teaching.—The chief value of scientific study, in Sir James Paget's view, is not merely in teaching facts, but in teaching the methods by which facts and principles may be obtained. Four great truths are taught by scientific education: those of the power of observation; of accuracy; of the difficulty of getting a knowledge of real truth; and of methods by which we can pass from that which is proved to the thinking of that which is possible. How difficult it is really to observe, is proved by every scientific discovery that is made; for each such discovery rests upon the clear observation of facts that have been within the range of sight of many, but previously overlooked. Science is essentially founded on accurate observation and accurate record and arrangement; and these are made more feasible by cultivating the habit of recording the facts while they are in sight—as an artist secures a correct portrait by looking at the object time and again, and painting accurately each time what he has seen. Science ought to be as accurate as art. Scientific education has the very rare value of demonstrating the utility of the most careful investigation, and of repeated observation, test, and examination; and it may fairly claim—which is its common boast—that it engenders a love of truth. The name of Sir John Lubbock should be a sufficient answer to the belief that scientific pursuits are not compatible with ordinary business occupations. The habits induced by such occupations may even aid science, by discerning some practical utility at the end of certain lines of work, and thereby sharpening the interest with which they will be pursued.

Officers of the American Association.—The following are the officers of the American Association for the ensuing year: President—T. E. Mendenhall, of Torre Haute, Ind. Vice-Presidents—A. Mathematics and Astronomy, R. S. Woodward, of Washington, D. C.; B. Physics, H. S. Carhart, of Ann Arbor, Mich.; C. Chemistry, William L. Dudley, of Nashville, Tenn.; D. Mechanical Science and Engineering, Arthur Beardsley, of Swarthmore, Pa.; E. Geology and Geography, Charles A. White, of Washington; F. Biology, George L. Goodale, of Cambridge, Mass.; H. Anthropology, Garrick Mallery, of Washington; I. Economic Science and Statistics, Charles S. Hill, of Washington. Permanent Secretary—F. W. Putnam, of Cambridge, Mass. (office, Salem, Mass.)—Holds over. General Secretary—C. Leo Mees, of Terre Haute, Ind. Secretary of the Council—Frank Baker, of Washington. Secretaries of the Sections—A. Mathematics