is called to "Notes on the Ainu." By J. Batchelor. Vol. x, part ii.
"The Japan Weekly Mail." Yokohama. This newspaper contains many valuable articles on the ethnology of Japan in general, and the Ainu in particular.
"The Language, Mythology, and Geographical Nomenclature of Japan. Viewed in the Light of Aino Studies, including a Grammar of the Aino Language, by J. Batchelor." By Basil Hall Chamberlain. Memoirs of the Literature College, Imperial University of Japan. No. 1. Tokyo, 1887.
"Unbeaten Tracks in Japan." By Isabella L. Bird. London, 1882. Two vols. The second volume contains a graphic and picturesque account of the author's sojourn among the Ainu.
"The Stone Age in Japan." By John Milne. Paper published in the "Journal of the Anthropological Society," May, 1881.
"Der Baerencultus und die Baerenfeste der Ainos, mit einigen Bemerkungen ueber die Taenze derselben." By Dr. B. Scheube. Paper published in the "Mittheilungen der deutschen Gesellschaft für Natur-und Völkerkunde Ostasiens." December, 1880. Treats of Ainu bear-wishop and dancing.
"Die Ainos." By Dr. B. Scheube. Paper published in the "Mittheilungen der deutschen Gesellschaft für Natur-und Völkerkunde Ostasiens." February, 1882.
"Ethnologische Studien über die Aino auf der Insel Yesso." By Heinrich von Siebold. Berlin, 1881. Illustrated.
"Japan in Yezo." By T. W. Blakiston. Yokohama, 1883.
"Reisen und Forschungen im Amurlande." By L. von Schrenck. Vol. iii contains much valuable information about the Ainu, gathered from many sources.
IN order that one may live to near the limit in years of human life, must he inherit some peculiar qualities? Must he conform his habits to some set rules? Must he eat and drink certain things and abstain from certain others? Or, does it all depend upon a series of indeterminable accidents?
There have been many theories, and perhaps a pageful of facts, given to the world upon the subject during the past few centuries, but no thorough, systematic study of these questions has been made. All that we know about the things that seem to govern the length of man's life is what we have learned from limited observation and the small number of cases that have been imperfectly recorded in history or in medical works. It occurred