was developed in Toronto in entomology through the large attendance of entomologists from all sections of the country. An Entomological Club was formed, and Washington is to be its first meeting-place, but no date for meeting was named at Toronto. Mr. T. J. Burrill, of Champaign, Ill., read an interesting paper on the fermentation of ensilage. Section H was more than usually strong this year—the leading officers of the Bureau of Ethnology being present in force. The antiquity of man was discussed from opposed points of view by Mr. W. J. McGee, of Washington, and Dr. C. C. Abbott, of Trenton, N. J. Mr. W. H. Holmes, of Washington, contributed an interesting paper on the evolution of ornament, as illustrated in the ceramic and textile art of the North American Indians. Mr. W. J. Hoffman, also of Washington, described the secret societies of the Ojibwas, which enjoy as elaborate a ritual of initiation, and as sharply defined gradations of rank, as any modern order among the pale-faces. Rev. Dr. Bryce, of Winnipeg, Manitoba, depicted the Winnipeg mound region, the most northerly district where mounds have been discovered on the North American continent.
In Section I, Mrs. N. S. Kedzie read a sensible, thorough-going paper on scientific cookery. Prof. A. G. Warner's paper on luxury was an able and discriminating discussion of the difficult question. How much of income may be justly expended on luxuries? Prof. B. E. Fernow, the chief of the Forestry Division, United States Department of Agriculture, Washington, made a strong plea for the extension of governmental control to forests, irrigation, water-courses, and the like. His ground was that in these matters individual interests are often opposed to the general good, and that the state alone can represent national interests with comprehensiveness and continuity. At Prof. Fernow's suggestion the Association passed a resolution recommending to Congress an early and earnest consideration of a sound forestry policy.
While the press and people of Toronto promoted the success of the meeting by hearty and intelligent co-operation in its work, by cordial and multiplied hospitalities, the question naturally occurs, What did the Association do for Toronto in presenting science in such wise as to interest and instruct popular audiences? The first public lecture was delivered by Mr. C. K. Gilbert, Assistant Director United States Geological Survey, on the geology of Niagara River; it was both appropriate and timely, coming as it did on the eve of an excursion to the great cataract. Dr. H. Carrington Bolton gave the second lecture, an admirable illustrated account of a recent visit to Mount Sinai. Interest, however, was of course centered in the address of the retiring president, Major J. W. Powell, chief of the United States Geological Survey. In his unavoidable absence, the address was read for him. Its topic was the evolution of music, from dance to symphony. We regret to say that it disappointed the vast audience which had assembled to hear it. Major Powell has made important fields of exploration and research his own; had he chosen a theme which could have been illuminated by his special knowledge, we feel certain that he could not only have interested but charmed the thousands whom his fame drew together in Toronto. Section I, the Section of Economics and Statistics, affords, in a larger measure than any other, an opportunity for the presentation of questions having popular interest, and eliciting instructive discussion. An increased recognition of this fact at the hands of the Council of the Association seems to be desirable.
The next meeting of the Association is to be held in Indianapolis, and is to commence August 20th. Its officers will be Prof. George L. Goodale, Cambridge, Mass., president. Its vice-presidents: Section A, S. C. Chandler, Cam-