the proper names preserved in the oldest Libyan monuments and a series of similar names believed to be genuine Etruscan.
In its third edition, the Directory of Writers for the Literary Press, compiled by W. M. Griswold (the author, Bangor, Me., $1), has been expanded to fifty-nine pages. It gives the full names of writers, their addresses, professional positions, date of birth, and subjects on which they write. The addresses of the chief American and English periodicals, literary clubs, and colleges are also included in the directory. A list of authors recently dead is appended.
A number of special papers by Dr. Edgar A. Mcarns on the natural history of the Western Territories and other localities testify to his industry and carefulness in that study. Description of Supposed New Species and Subspecies from Arizona gives ten species and some subspecies of rodents (a squirrel, a muskrat, mice, hares, etc.), with detailed measurements and characteristics. A paper on Arizona Mountain Birds furnishes illustrations of a feature which the author desires to emphasize, of the extension of the Alpine flora and fauna of the Rocky Mountains southward into this Territory, where they appear on the mountains, with characters changing according to the altitude, "like islands in a region of more southern aspect." Other papers include a list of the Birds of Fort Klamath, Oregon, collected by Lieutenant Willis Wittich, annotated and added to; and an Addendum to a list of the Birds of the Hudson Highlands, with annotations. A welcome feature of these papers is that good English names are given for all the species. Two other papers, relative to Dr. Mearns's work, are published by the Herbarium of Columbia College. They are a list of the plants collected by him at Fort Verde and in Mogollon and San Francisco Mountains, by N. L. Britten; and the General Floral Characters of those regions, by H. H. Rusby.
In a Tube-building Spider, Mr. W. L. Poteat, of Wake Forest College, N. C, publishes some interesting notes on the architectural and feeding habits of Atypus niger. In asserting that "quite unaccountably American naturalists have taken comparatively little interest in spiders," the author seems to overlook the voluminous contributions of McCook, which have been acknowledged to be among the most valuable that have been made; the more modest but very intelligent and original researches of the Peckhams; and the work of other authors whose papers have come to us from time to time—all showing that the subject has not been neglected.
Agriculture, United States Department of. Treatment of Plant Diseases. Pp. 23.
Bainton, George. The Art of Authorship. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 355. $1.25.
Barus, Carl. Thermo-Electric Measurement of High Temperatures. Washington: U. S. Geological Survey. Pp. 313.
Boston Society of Natural History. Correspondence relating to the Nampa Image. Pp. 36.
Clarke, F. W. Work done in the Division of Chemistry and Physics, 1886-'87. Washington: U. S. Geological Survey.
Dawson, G. M. Larger Unexplored Regions of Canada. Pp. 12, with Map.
De Guimps, Roger. Pestalozzi, his Life and Work. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 438. $1.25.
Dodel, Arthur. Instruction in Drawing. Boston: The Prang Educational Company. Pp. 84.
Fontaine, W. S. Potomac, or Youngest Mesozoic Flora. Washington: U. S. Geological Survey. Two volumes. Pp. 377, and 180 Plates.
Foster, Michael, and others, Editors. The Journal of Physiology. Vol. XI, No. 3. Cambridge, England. Pp. 104, with Plates. $5 a volume.
Frazer, Persifor. The Philadelphia Meeting of the International Congress of Geologists. Pp. 10.
Frédéricq, Paul. Study of History in Germany and France. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University. Pp. 118. $1.
Fullerton, G. S. Sameness and Identity. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania. Pp. 156.
Gardener, Helen H. A Thoughtless Yes. New York: Belford Company. Pp. 231.
Geddes, Prof. Patrick, and Thomson. J. Arthur. The Evolution of Sex. New York: Scribner & Welford. Pp. 332. $1.25.
Gunton, George. Evolution of the Wages System. Boston: J. H. West. Pp. 16. 10 cents.
Halsted, Byron D., New Brunswick, N. J. Rusts, Smuts, Ergots, and Rots. Pp. 19, with Plates.—Stamens of Solanaceæ. Pp. 4, with Plates.
Hay, Robert. Geological Reconnaissance in Southwestern Kansas. Washington: U. S. Geological Survey. Pp. 48, with Map.
Heath, D. C, «& Co. Catalogues of Publications and of Modern Language Texts, 1890. Pp. 150 and 58.
Hensoldt, Dr. H., New York. Crystallogenesis. Pp. 16.
Heydenfeldt, S., Jr. The Unison of the Conscious Force. San Francisco: W. Huston & Co. Pp. 30.
Iowa College. Grimnell, Catalogue, 1889. Pp. 60.
Kimball, John C. Evolution of Arms and Armor. Boston: J. H. West. Pp. 32. 10 cents.
Kirk, Edward C, Philadelphia. The Manual Training Idea in Dental Education. Pp. 26.
Knowlton, F. H. Fossil Wood and Lignite in the Potomac Formation. Washington: U. S. Geological Survey. Pp. 52, with Plates.
Ladies' Health Protective Association of New York. Report for 1888 and 1889. Pp. 23.