Charms, suggesting an affinity between homœopathy and Swedenborgianism.
A paper by G. W. Hambleton, M. D., on The Suppression of Consumption, to which we called attention some months ago, when it was published in Science, has been re-printed in a neat pamphlet, with flexible cloth covers (N. D. C. Hodges, 40 cents). It forms the first number of a series to be called Fact and Theory Papers. Dr. Hambleton maintains that consumption is produced by causes that check free respiration and by dusty air, and the first aim of his treatment is to secure the breathing of a full supply of pure air.
Count Tolstoi's Kreutzer Sonata, translated by Benjamin R. Tucker and published by him in Boston, is a story of a man's vehement passion for his own wife, and his consequent jealousy. These feelings become ungovernable upon hearing the performance of the music which gives the story its title, and events following this incident prompt the sufferer to murder. The author's intention, though his method may be mistaken, is to teach a salutary moral lesson.
The First Annual Report of the Agricultural Experiment Station at Cornell University covers the eight months from April 30, 1888, to the end of the year. The reports of the director and other officers relate mostly to the business of organization. In transmitting the report to the Governor of New York, Prof. C. K. Adams, President of Cornell University, states that, in organizing the station, the trustees of the university availed themselves in every practicable way of the large resources already forming a part of the College of Agriculture. The completeness of this outfit decided the trustees to use the expenditure for buildings provided for by the Hatch Act in erecting a building for the careful study of noxious insects. Appended to the report are the four Bulletins which were also issued separately during the year. The chief topics treated in these Bulletins are an Experimental Dairy House, Experiments in feeding Lambs, The Insectary of Cornell University, and Growing Corn for Fodder and Ensilage. All of these papers are illustrated.
Under the title of How to remember History, the J. B. Lippincott Company publish a Method of memorizing Dates, with a summary of the most important events of the last four centuries, by Virginia Conser Shaffer. Each century is represented by a chart, and the chart is divided into a hundred squares, one for each year. Each square is divided into five subdivisions, answering respectively to events in war and peace; in politics, social and religious life; in literature, science, and art; miscellaneous events; and deaths. Different countries are represented by devices of color. When the date of any event is to be fixed, it is noted by filling, in the square standing for the year, the subdivision corresponding with the character of the event, with the color or colors corresponding with the country or countries to which the event relates. To the charts, which are given as specimens of what may be done, texts are appended, embodying a chronological table of the events represented, and reading accounts of the same events of considerable fullness. The plan is capable of indefinite modification and enlargement.
Abel, Mrs. Mary Hinman. Practical Sanitary and Economic Cooking. Rochester, N. Y.: American Public Health Association. Pp. 190.
Armas y Cárdenas, José de. Medico-legal Observations on the Case of Don Estéban Verdú (in Spanish). Habana. Pp. 32.
Bean, Tarleton H. New Fishes collected off the Coast of Alaska, etc. Washington: Smithsonian Institution. Pp. 8.
Browning, Oscar. Aspects of Education. New York: Industrial Education Association. Pp. 48. 20 cents.
Childs, George W. Recollections of General Grant. Philadelphia: Collins Printing House. Pp. 104.
Chisholm, George G., and Leete, C. H. Longman's School Geography for North America. New York: Longmans, Green & Co. Pp. 384. $1.25.
Coast, U. S., and Geodetic Survey. Chart Corrections of the Coast.
Cox, Charles H. Protoplasm and Life. New York: N. D. C. Hodges. Pp. 67. 75 cents.
Crooker, Joseph Henry, Madison, Wis. Different New Testament Views of Jesus. Pp. 70.—The Bible and the Public Schools, or Dr. Bascom and the Supreme Court. Pp. 18.
Dall, William H., U. 8. National Museum. New Species of Land Shell from Cuba (Vertigo Cubana). Pp. 2.
English, George L. & Co., Philadelphia. Catalogue of Minerals for sale. Pp. 100.
Fall. Prof. Delos, Albion, Mich. Sanitary Science. Pp. 10.
Gilbert, Charles H. Preliminary Report on Fishes collected by the Steamer Albatross on the Pacific Coast of North America. Washington: Smithsonian Institution. Pp. 78.
Goode. G. Brown. Museum-History and Museums of History. Pp. 22.—Origin of the National Scientific and Educational Institutions of the United States. Pp. 112. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons.—The Literary Labors of Benjamin Franklin. Philadelphia. Pp. 21.