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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 37.djvu/873

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Temperature Limits of the Vitality of the Mammalian Heart; and of S. Watase on the Morphology of the Compound Eye of Arthropods. The articles requiring it are amply and excellently illustrated.

The Journal of Morphology, No. 3, Vol. III, of which C. O. Whitman and W. Phelps Allis are editors, has four articles—viz.: on the Embryology of the Earthworm, by Edmund B. Wilson; the Ribs and Median Fins in Fishes, and The Morphology of the Vertebrate Skull, by Dr. C. Baur; and a discussion, by Dr. R. W. Shufeldt, of the position of Chamæa (the wren-tit) in the system. They are well illustrated.

Dr. Michael Foster, in conducting The Journal of Physiology, enjoys the assistance of two English co-operators and of Prof. H. P. Bowditch, Prof. H. Newell Martin, and Prof. H. C. Wood, in the United States. Numbers 1, 2, and 3 of Vol. XI contain thirteen articles relating to bodily temperature, respiration, salivary secretion, the digestive system, the blood, phonation, the nervous system, and knee-jerk. Cambridge, England.

The quarterly University Studies, published by the University of Nebraska, for July, 1890, L. A. Sherman, editor, contains papers on the Determination of Specific Heat and of Latent Heat of Vaporization with the Vapor Calorimeter, by Harold N. Allen; the Color Vocabulary of Children, by Harry K. Wolfe; and the Development of the King's Peace and the English Local Peace-Magistracy, by George E. Howard. The last is also published separately. In it the author, who is Professor of History in the University, traces the idea of the public peace of the community from the beginning to the re-establishment of popular self-government in the English shire by the act of Parliament of August 13, 1888.

The quarterly Bulletin of the National Association of Wool Manufacturers for June, 1890, S. N. Dexter North, editor, is devoted chiefly to questions concerning the pending Tariff Bill and its effect on woolens. An article not coming under this description is a History of Wool-combing in England.

It appears from the Calendar of the Faculty of Medicine of McGill University, Montreal, that the session of 1890 will be its fifty-eighth, the medical school having been founded in 1824 and suspended during the political troubles from 1836 to 1839. The new building has been found admirably adapted for making the teaching of the primary branches practical and thorough. The session is from October 1st to April, with a summer session of twelve weeks from the middle of April. The school was attended last year by 261 students.

The first number of the first volume of the Quarterly Review of the United Brethren in Christ, which is intended to represent the thought of the growing religious denomination of that name, J. W. Etter, D. D., editor, appeared in January, 1890. While its articles are intended to and do appeal chiefly to churchmen, we notice as of general interest that of the Rev. J. H. Pershing on the Conemaugh Cataclysm; and as claiming the attention of those who wish to be acquainted with various sides of thought, that of Prof. J. P. Landis on Some Foes of Christianity. The foes described in this article are Pantheism, Materialism, Agnosticism, Rationalism, and Socialism, which are grouped as "anti-theistic theories."

In a paper read by Dr. G. Brown Goode before the American Historical Association, on Museum History and Museums of History, a historical review is followed by a statement of the author's ideas of what a museum should contain, what purposes it should be intended to serve, and bow it should be arranged and managed. The same author's address on the Origin of the National Scientific and Educational Institutions of the United States gives a connected view of the growth of such institutions from their beginning in the attempt of Mr. Boyle, Bishop Wilkins, and others to establish in the colony of Connecticut a society for promoting knowledge. A third address by Dr. Goode was delivered before the American Philosophical Society, at the commemoration of the one hundredth anniversary of the death of Benjamin Franklin, and is on his Literary Labors. In it Dr Franklin is presented as one who, although standing prominently forth as the only great literary man of America in colonial days and the first fifty years of the Republic, had no thought of obtaining for himself literary fame, but made use of what he gained to promote the welfare of his country.