birth—for short, Andromachidion and Agamemnonidion." When Dr. Manatt, accompanied by his daughter of seventeen, first visited him, he at once gave her a Greek name—Artemis—and that she remained to him to the last. At the first breakfast, "Artemis was installed in the place of the mistress of the mansion, and received the homage due to her illustrious new name."
Dr. Schliemann made his permanent residence at Athens, where he built a fine house which is styled a palace. Here, in the midst of trophies which he had recovered from the ancient world and "muniments of the world's honors," he led a methodical working life. "Hours before the Attic dawn, winter and summer, daily he was at the Phaleron for his plunge in the divine sea; all day long the busy work went on; and late into the night the lamp burned in the study that looks over the city upon the Acropolis." From any of his occupations he would turn to meet and entertain a visitor, and he was at home "of all men the most accessible." He dispensed a liberal hospitality, and on festival occasions his house was thronged by the best—the select of Athens and strangers. His business interests were never allowed to suffer. He had valuable investments in many countries, and they were all profitable; and he could find himself familiar at any moment with the details of their condition and management. His funeral was honored with testimonials from the Emperor of Germany, from the city of Berlin—which had honored him with the distinction shared only by Bismarck and Von Moltke, of making him one of its Ehrenbürger—and from numerous learned men and learned bodies, and by the personal attendance of the King and Crown Prince of Greece.

OF the few animals which now inhabit the woods and the hillsides, perhaps the badger is the least known to the general public. He is nocturnal, in the first place; and his coloring, being in broken tones, does not readily arrest the eye. His head, chin, and neck are white, with brownish-black bands running on either side from the nose over the eyes and ears. His upper parts are light-gray sprinkled with black, the lower parts brownish black; his fore feet are long and stout, his limbs muscular, his jaw powerful, and his teeth sharp; in fact, he is well set up as far as these formidable weapons are concerned. The usual length of the animal is a little over three feet, but in his family, as well as in the human race, there are large and small individuals. Take his general appearance as he jogs along, and a small bear is at once suggested to your mind. Many of his ways, too, are bear-