the same extent with our Aryan brother as with the Africans. With small abrasions and ulcers healthy granulations are the exception, lymphatic abscesses are a frequent result, and belong to a low phlegmonous type, pyæmia often supervening. Perforating ulcers of the feet and gangrene about the toes bear evidence to a poorness of local nutrition, and a low vital tone of some of the tissues, also shown by the fact that necrosis of bone is a much more frequent sequela to blows than with hardier nations.
Another point that I have noticed is that minor ailments, such as coryza, etc., take a much more severe course than that with which we are acquainted.
Both the Indians and Africans are much less subject to ill effects from changes of temperature than are Europeans. This is perhaps to be expected in tropical climates, and may be due to the excellent way in which their sweat-glands respond to an extra call upon them, consequent probably on their scantier clothing and less constant interference with the natural skin-functions. Also, in spite of their thin cotton garments, sudden and temporary exposure to a winter climate produces a very small percentage of sickness among them, though those who do suffer become really ill. True, they grow torpid and incapable of much work; but, if Europeans were exposed as much as I have seen these darker races, I feel sure a very much larger proportion of them would soon be on the sick-list.
Chinese and Japanese make much better patients. They have faith, want to recover, and endeavor to do so. They are fairly tractable and obedient, their average constitution is more robust, and they are not destitute of moral courage; consequently treatment yields in their case better results.
Among European nations I have been much struck with the difference in the course of sickness between the Teutonic and the French people. For instance, I have witnessed the effects of extreme heat in the Red Sea, through which I passed seven times in a single year. The phlegmatic German, from sheer stolidity, stays exposed to the sun until he feels queer, then comes below and takes a large draught of beer, which, of course, makes him much worse. His condition soon becomes one of typhoid delirium bordering on stupor, but he is easily treated, and soon recovers. Now, look upon the other picture. The fussy Frenchman, from rank obstinacy, exposes himself to a high temperature, and on feeling ill becomes at once fearfully alarmed, wants to try every remedy at once and nothing long, blames every one but himself, grows noisily delirious, and finally works himself into a state of extreme exhaustion which materially adds to the gravity of his case.
The above personal observations have led me to search out