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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 39.djvu/254

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"Sir Edward Tertil's Salve called the chief of all salves.—Take Rosin eight ounces, Virgins wax and Frankincense, of each, four ounces, Mastick one ounce, Harts suet four ounces, Camphire two Drams, beat the Rosin, Mastick and Frankincense in a Mortar together to fine powder; then melt the Rosin and Wax together, then put in the powders; and when they are well melted strain it through a cloath into a pottle of white Wine, and boyl it together till it be somewhat thick; then let it cool, and put in the Camphire and four ounces of Venice Turpentine drop by drop, lest it clumper, stirring it continually, then make it up into Rolls, and do with it to the pleasure of God, and health of man.

"The Vertues and use of it: 1. It is good for all wounds and sores old or new, in any place. 2. It cleanseth all Festers in the flesh, and heals more in nine days than other salves cure in a month. 3. It suffers no dead flesh to engender or abide where it comes. 4. It cureth the Head-ach, rubbing the Temples therewith. 5. It cures a salt fleam Face. 6. It helpeth Sinews that grow stiff, or spring with labour, or wax dry for want of blood. 7. It draweth out rusty Iron, Arrow heads, Stubs, Splints, Thorns, or whatever is fixed in the flesh or wound. 8. It cureth the biting of a mad Dog, or pricking of any venomous creatures. 9. It cureth all Felons or white-flaws. 10. It is good for all festering Cankers. 11. It helpeth all Aches of the Liver, Spleen, Kidneys, Back, Sides, Arms or Legs. 12. It cureth Biles, Blanes, Botches, Imposthumes, Swellings, and Tumors in any part of the body. 13. It cureth Scab, Itch, Wrenches, Sprains, Strains, Gouts, Paulsies, Dropsies, and waters between the flesh and skin. 14. It healeth the Hemorrhoids or Piles in Man or Woman. 15. Make a search-cloth thereof to heal all the above-said Maladies, with very many others which for brevity sake are omitted."

A "Balsam" of use for infected brains may appeal to the overtaxed student:

"To cure Diseases without taking anything at the mouth.—Take one pound of Aloes Hepatica, Myrrhe four ounces, both beaten very fine, Aquavitæ, and Rose-water, of each one pint; after one nights infusion distill them in Sand twenty four hours very softly, and in the end make a great fire, and there will come a Balsam wherewith if you rub the Stomach with a warm cloath dipped therein, it will Purge Phlegm and Choler, and all worms which infect the brain, and breed the Falling-sickness, it expelleth corruption of the Stomach, it helps digestion and appetite, it expurgeth all dross in the bottom of the Stomach, it cureth the Gout being mixed and well beaten with Aquavitæ, and applyed warm to the Gouty place and left long on it."

Here is a genuine faith-cure of "y(e) olden time," though for that matter most of these ancient prescriptions require faith as