of Geometrical Deductions. Longmans, Green & Co. Pp. 138.
Blanchard, Dr. Rafael. Los Animates Parásitos introducidos por el Agua en el Organismo. Valparaiso, Chili. Pp. 132.
Bowker. E. B., and Iles George. Reader's Guide in Economic, Social, and Political Science. Putnams. Pp. 109.
Brentano, Dr. Lujo. Relation of Labor to the Law of To-day. Putnams. Pp. 305.
Burt, Stephen Smith, M. D. Bacteriology and Preventive .Medicine. Pp. 7.
Burton, Charles V. Introduction to Dynamics. Longmans, Green &. Co. Pp. 302. $1.50.
Caillard, E. M. Electricity the Science of the Nineteenth Century. Appletons. Pp. 310. $1.25.
Campbell, Levin H. The Patent System of the United States. Washington. Pp. 55.
Cheritree, Olive E. Evolution. Pp. 96.
Comegys, Benjamin R. Primer of Ethics. Boston: Ginn & Co. Pp. 127.
Conn, H. W. Fermentations of Milk. Pp. 18; Bacteria in the Dairy. Pp. 28; Biological Laboratory of Brooklyn Institute (Circular). Pp. 14.
Cook, O. F., and Collins, G. N. Myriapods of the Family Geophilidæ. Smithsonian Institution.
Coulter, J. M. Practical Education. Indianapolis. Pp. 16.
Dariex. M. le Dr., Directeur. Annales des Sciences Psychiques. Bi-monthly. Paris: Felix Alcan. Pp. 64. 12 francs a year.
Darwin, Charles. Geological Observations. Appletons. Pp. 648, with Plates. $2.50.
Dole, Charles F. The American Citizen. Boston. D. C. Heath & Co. Pp. 320.
Fernald, F. A., Editor and publisher. Our Language, Monthly. New York. Pp. 8. 5 cents: 50 cents a year.
Fine, Henry B. The Number System of Algebra. Boston and New York: Leach, Shewell & Sanborn. Pp. 131. $1.
Fiske, Amos K. Beyond the Bourn. Fords, Howard & Hulbert. Pp. 222. $1.
Flower. W. II.. and Lyddekker, R. Introduction to the Study of Mammals. Macmillan. Pp. 763. $6.
Foster, Michael, and others. The Journal of Physiology. Vol. XII, No. 1. Pp. 96, with Plate.
Friends. Society of. Address in Behalf of the Indians. Philadelphia: Friends' Bookstore. Pp. 55.
Gaertner, Frederick, Pittsburgh, Pa. Reichert's Hæmometer. Pp. 10.
Geissler, Ludwig A., New Orleans. Looking Beyond. Pp. 134. 50 cents.
Gill. Theodore. Scatophoid Fishes. Pp. 6.—The Asprediinidæ. Pp. 6 Relations of the Cyclopteroidea. Pp. 16, with Plates.—The Family Hemitripteridæ. Pp. 4, with Plate. All published by the Smithsonian Institution.
Ginn & Co., Boston. Catalogue and Announcements for 1891. Pp 148.
Greely, A. W. Geography of the Air. Washington: National Geographic Society. Pp. 12.
Griswold, W. M. Descriptive List of Novels and Tales dealing with American City Life. Cambridge, Mass. Pp. 100.
Hall. G. Stanley. Editor. American Journal of Psychology. Vol. IV. No, 1. Pp. 175, with Plate. Worcester, Mass: J. H. Orpha. $1.50; $5 a year.
Hand, R. N., Spokane, Wash. Matter and Energy. Pp. 33.
Harper, W R.. and Tolman. H. C. Cæsar's Gallic War. American Book Co. Pp. 502. $1.20.
Hart. Hon. Thomas N.. Boston. Report of Special Commission on Taxation. Pp, 29.
Hewitt, Charles N., M. D., Editor. Public Health in Minnesota, General Index and Nos. 71 and 72.
Hubbard, Gardiner O. South America. Washington: American Geographic Society. Pp. 29.
Illinois Science Teachers. Educational Papers. Peoria. Pp. 83.
Ives, J. E., Philadelphia. Crustacea of Northern Coast of Mexico, etc. Pp. 28.
Jones. D. E. Elementary Lessons in neat, Light, and Sound. Macmillan & Co. Pp. 280. 70 cents.
Kansas Academy of Science. Transactions, 1889-'90. B. B. Smyth, Librarian. Topeka. Pp. 189.
King, Charles F. This Continent of Ours. Boston: Lee & Shepard. New York: Charles T. Dillingham. Pp. 315. 83 cents.
Le Conte. Joseph. Tertiary and Post-tertiary Changes of the Atlantic and Pacific Coasts, etc. Rochester, N. Y.: Geological Society of America. Pp. 4.
McDonald, Marshall, Editor. Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission, 1888. Washington. Pp. 494, with Plates.
Mills. Simeon. A New Theory of Combustion. Madison, Wis. Pp. 24.
National Geographic Magazine. Vol. II, No. 5. Washington. Pp. 56. 25 cents.
National Academy of Sciences. Reports for 1889 and 1890. Washington: Smithsonian Institution. Pp. 68 and 36.
Norton, Thomas H., Chairman of Committee. Report on the Spelling and Pronunciation of Chemical Terms. Salem, Mass. Pp. 10.
Ogden, Herbert G. Geography of the Land Washington: National Geographic Society. Pp. 10.
Osborn, Prof. Herbert. Pediculi and Mallophaga affecting Man and the Lower Animals. Washington: Department of Agriculture. Pp. 56.
Packard, Alpheus S. Insects injurious to Forest and Shade Trees. Washington: Department of Agriculture. Pp. 957, with Plates.
Parsons, James Russell, Jr. Prussian Schools through American Eyes. Syracuse, N. Y.: C. W. Bardeen. Pp. 82. $1.00.
Pickering. Edward C. Variable Stars of Long Period. Cambridge, Mass. Pp. 8.
Psychical Research, Society for. Proceedings. April, 1891. London: Kesan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co. Pp. 144. 2. 6d.
Putnam, George Haven. The Question of Copy right. Putnams. Pp. 410. $1.50.
Ribot, Th. The Diseases of Personality. Chicago: Open Court Publishing Co. Pp. 157. 75 cents.
Rooper, T. G. Apperception. Syracuse, N. Y.: C. W. Bardeen. Pp. 52. 50 cents.
Royal Society of Canada. Handbook, Montreal Meeting, 1891. Pp. 140.
Salazar. A. E.. and Newman, C. Examen Quimico y Bacteriologico de las Aguas Potables. Valparaiso, Chili. Pp. 513, with Plates.
Shutter. Marion D. Philosophy of the State Tax on Land Values. Minneapolis. Pp. 28.
Smith, John B. The Noctuidæ of Temperate North America. Washington: Smithsonian Institution. Pp. 8.
Sparmann, Helen M. Analysis of Music. Cincinnati: Robert Clarke & Co. Pp. 61.
Thomas. Charles H., M. D. Construction and Adaptation of Spectacle Frames. Philadelphia. Pp. 10.
Trelease. William. North American Species of Epilobium. St. Louis. Pp. 117, with 46 Plates.
Tuckerman, Alfred. Bibliography of the Chemical Influence of Light. Smithsonian Institution. Pp. 22.
Udden. J. A., Rock Island, III. Megalonyx Beds in Kansas. Pp. 6.
University Teaching, American Society for the Extension of. Papers.
Van Lennep. An Abduction in the Seventeenth Century. New York: Gottsberger. Pp. 282.
Westrup, Alfred B., Chicago, Citizens' Money.