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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 39.djvu/726

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In it are discussed the impurities in drinking-water that are oftenest the cause of disease and death, and the natural and artificial processes of removing them. The author's conclusions are the fruit of an experience gained in the analysis and study of nearly a thousand water-supplies, and are aided and re-enforced by the studies and writings of others. A definition of pure water, in a potable rather than a chemical sense, is sought in the first chapter. The inorganic, the vegetable, and the animal constituents of water, micro-organisms, water-supplies, natural and artificial purification, and central filtration, are considered in the several succeeding chapters. Of analysis, only a few elementary qualitative tests are mentioned, the general subject being reserved for another book, which is announced. The language is such as can be easily understood by every intelligent person.


Agricultural Experiment Stations. Bulletins and Reports. Cornell University. Farm Manures. Pp. 12.—Forcing of Tomatoes, Pp. 20.—Georgia. Crop report for June, 1891. Pp. 14.—Massachusetts. Analyses of Chemical Fertilizers. Pp. 40.—New York (Geneva). Report of the Board of Control for 1890. Pp. 488.—Ohio. Insects. Pp. 16.—Utah. Seeds and Tillage Tools. Pp. 14.—Wyoming. Organization and Proposed Work. Pp. 24.

Astronomical Society of the Pacific. Publications. Vol. Ill, Nos. 14 and 15. Pp. 153. San Francisco.

Bigelow, Prof. F. H. The Photochronograph and its Application to Star Transits. Georgetown, 1). C, College Observatory. Pp. 36, with Plates.

Blair, Andrew Alexander. The Chemical Analysis of Iron. J. B. Lippincott Co. Pp. 314. $4.

Call. Prof. H. Ellsworth, Des Moines. Iowa. The Cost of a Geological Survey of Iowa. Pp. 4. On a New Serpent from Iowa. Pp. 3.

Cooper Union. Thirty-second Annual Report of the Trustees. Pp. 78.

Dyer. Louis. Studies of the Gods of Greece at Certain Sanctuaries recently excavated. Macmillan & Co. Pp. 457. $2.50.

Ethics. Applied, School of. Summer Sessions. Plymouth, Mass. Pp. 24.

Foshay, P. Max. Preglacial Drainage and Recent Geological History of Western Pennsylvania. Pp. 7.—Do. and Richard R. Hice. Glacial Grooves at the Southern Margin of the Drift. Rochester, N. Y.: Geological Society of America. Pp. 7.

Foster. Michael. A Text-book of Physiology. Fifth edition, revised, Part I. Macmillan & Co. Pp. 220.

Gutekunst, Philadelphia. Photograph of Joseph Leidy.

Hale, Horatio. Was America peopled from Polynesia? Pp. 16.—(Do., Editor ) Sixth Report (British Association) on the Northwestern Tribes of Canada. Pp. 164.

Halsted. Byron D., New Brunswick, N. J. The Migration of Weeds. Pp. 8.

Heath, D. C, & Co., Boston. Catalogue of Publications. Pp. 160.

Hemstreet, William. Mind is Matter. The Substance of the Soul. Fowler &, Wells Co. Pp. 252. $1.

Hill, Robert T., Washington. The Comanche Series of the Texas-Arkansas Basin. Pp. 26. Notes on the Geology of the Southwest. Pp. 8.

Hinton, Richard J. Progress Report on Irrigation in the United States. Government Printing-Office. Pp. 337.

Holyoake. George Jacob. Life and Career of Charles Bradlaugh. Buffalo: H. L. Green. Pp 16. 15 cts.

Homaday, William T. Taxidermy and Zoological Collecting. Charles Scribner's Sons. Pp. 362. $2.50.

Hutchinson, Waldo. The Vis Medicatrix. Vol. I. No. 1. Monthly. Des Moines, Iowa. Pp. 55. 20 cts., $1 a year.

Leighton, Caroline C. Intimations of Eternal Life. Lee & Shepard. Pp. 139.

Lewis, T. H. Copper Relic in the Manchester Museum of History and Archæology. Pp. 6.

Mail and Express Quarterly Through the South and West with President Harrison. Pp. 152, with Map. 25 cts.

Maurice, Colonel F. War. Macmillan & Co. Pp. 155. $1.75.

Michigan Mining School, Houghton. Report of the Director and Treasurer 1886-1891. Pp. 148.

Minnesota, Public Health in April. 191 Pp. 8.

Nettleton. Edwin S. Progress Report of Artesian and Underflow Investigation. Government Printing-Office. Pp. 14, with Charts.

New Jersey Weather Service. First Annual Report. James Neilson, New Brunswick. Pp. 70.

Parker, William W., M. D., Chicago. Instinct of Animals and Intelligence of Man contrasted. Pp. 17.

Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology. Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Annual Reports. Pp. 48.

Pierson. Arthur T. Stumbling-stones removed from the Word of God. New York: Baker & Taylor Co. Pp. 82. 50 cts.

Pratt Institute, Brooklyn. Catalogue, 1891-'92. Pp. 101.

Remondino, P. C. M. D . San Diego. Cal. Ventilation and Impure Air and Disease. Pp. 25.

Riley, C. V. Destructive Locusts. Pp. 62, with Plates. Reports of Division of Entomology. Department of Agriculture. Pp. 83. Government Printing-Office.

Schoch, Wilhelm. Mean Yearly Temperature of a Place and its Geographical Longitude and Latitude. Translated by Frank Waldo, Ann Arbor, Mich. Pp. 122.

Shearman, Thomas G. Henry Ward Beecher Memorial. Fords, Howard & Hulbert.

Shufeldt. R. W., M. D. On Foetal Reindeer, and other Notes. Pp. 12.

Swift, Morrison I., Ashtabula, O. Problems of the New Life. Pp. 126.

Thomas, Prof. Cyrus, Washington. The Story of a Mound. Pp. 88. 50 cts.

Trevert, Edward. Electricity and its Recent Applications. Lynn. Mass.: Bubier Publishing Co. Pp. 845. $2.

Weed. Clarence L., Hanover, N. H. Insects and Insecticides. Pp. 281.

Worthington. Slack. Politics and Property, or Phronocracy. G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 354. $1.50.

Wright G. Frederick. Discovery of a Palæolithic Implement at Newcomerstown, Ohio. Pp. 14.

Yale University Observatory, Report of the Board of Managers, 1890-'91. Pp. 23.