fallen from the roof, was found part of the skeleton of a man. He had been crushed probably by the descending mass. Scattered about in such a way as to show that they had been strung together, were some forty large canine teeth of the cave bear, an
2.—Ornamental Apron made of Toucan-bones. Mundurucu Indians, South America. animal now extinct. The teeth were perforated, and several were carved—not poorly—with animal and other designs. This necklace must have been originally a fine affair, and it is a good example of trophy-wearing. Naturally, what happens in hunting life may also occur in war. There, too, parts of enemies slain in battle may be worn as trophies. In the Louisade Archipelago, bracelets made of the jawbone and clavicle of foes killed in war were worn by warriors. Nearly all North American tribes formerly took scalps, which were worked up as fringes for garments, head-dresses, or other articles of ornamental dress. Trophies of the chase or of war were, we firmly believe, the first objects of decoration, and their only purpose was to render conspicuous the individuality of their wearer. Later the idea of beauty in ornament arose, and with it a host of objects which were not trophies came to be worn.
In examining the objects of ornament worn by savage, barbarous, and civilized tribes, we find a marvelous variety of materials and designs. We are amazed at the ingenuity displayed in making the most unpromising materials into things of beauty. Through this impulse of personal vanity—the wish to emphasize his individuality—man has been led to make many interesting discoveries and to develop many important arts. A dude is not a pleasant object; but, after all, the motive which has produced him has been of vast service in the world's progress. We will consider some instructive examples of ornament. The animal,