Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 40.djvu/895

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University Extension Lectures on Science. (Misc.) 575
"The Nationalization of. C. H. Henderson 500

Voice, Character of the. (Misc.) 859
Voodoo Imitation, A. (Misc.) 715

Wager, Harold, and A. Herbert. Bad Air and Bad Health 814
Water in Motion, Power of. (Misc.) 856
Waves, Some Characteristics of. (Misc.) 574
Weber, William Edward, Sketch of. (with Portrait) 548
Weddings among the Shushwap Indians. (Misc.) 573
Weeds, The Travels of. (Misc.) 136
Wells, David A. Remarkable Bowlders'* 340
White, Andrew Dickson. Astronomy 577
White, Andrew Dickson. Astronomy 729
"Theology and Political Economy 323
Women, Where, rule. (Misc.) 140
Wood, Casey A., M. D. Wayside Optics* 616
Woods, Tests of. (Misc.) 285
Wright, Carroll D. Lessons from the Census 75
Wright, Carroll D. Lessons from the Census 368
Wright, Carroll D. Lessons from the Census 459
Wright, Carroll D. Lessons from the Census 607
Wright, Carroll D. Lessons from the Census 785
"Our Population and its Distribution 368
"Urban Population 459
"Social Statistics of Cities 607
"Rapid Transit 785
Wright, Prof., in the British Association (Misc.) 426

Younglove, M. C. Kelley's Island Groove, The. (Corr.) 267