stick, or atlatl. Recently Mrs. Nuttall had the pleasure of discovering at the old castle of Ambras (Germany) a fine shield of ancient Mexican feather-work. In the last number of the Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie she publishes an exhaustive and handsomely illustrated article upon the subject of feather shields from Mexico. In a recent visit to Florence. Italy, Mrs. Nuttall discovered in the library an Aztec manuscript with pictures. It turned out to be a treatise upon dress and ornament, and contains a text in Spanish letters. This, reprinted in fac-simile, with critical notes and an English translation, Mrs. Nuttall will present at the next congress of Americanists in October. Miss Alice C. Fletcher, although a fellow of Harvard University, assistant of the Peabody Museum, and employed in the Indian Bureau, is really a free lance in American ethnology. She is more—she is a firm friend of the Indian, and has shown herself so in many, many ways. As special Indian agent she has personally located five thousand Indians upon their own lands under the "Land in Severalty Bill." Her studies in sociology and religious beliefs among the Ponkas, Winnebagoes, etc., have been scientifically carried on. She is about to publish a work upon Ponka music, that has occupied much time and hard labor during several years back. All who know Miss Fletcher or who are acquainted with her work expect this work to be a most valuable contribution to knowledge.
Three periodicals in America busy themselves with anthropology—the American Antiquarian, the American Anthropologist, and the Journal of American Folk-lore. The Journal of American Folk-lore is the organ of the American Folk-lore Society, and is under the editorship of Mr. W. W. Newell. The American Anthropologist has grown out of the Anthropological Society of Washington; it is coming to be more and more a representative journal of our national work in the field of anthropology. The American Antiquarian deserves a longer notice, because it is the pioneer journal. Mainly occupied with American archæology,