mologist of Illinois, On the Noxious and Beneficial Insects of the State for 1889 and 1890, mentions as among the most noteworthy events of the entomological record the almost complete disappearance of the worst outbreak known of the chinch-bug, the very destructive development of the grain-louse, and the appearance of the European fruit-bark beetle, which is injurious to stone fruits. Besides these insects the report contains papers on experiments with arsenical poisonings, the American plum-borer, the common white grubs, the Hessian fly, the corn-root aphis, and diseases of the larger corn-root worm and the chinch-bug. An appendix to the report comprises an analytical list of the entomological writings of William Le Barron, second State Entomologist of Illinois.
Good Roads is a new illustrated monthly magazine devoted to the improvement of the public roads and streets, edited by Isaac B. Potter, and published by the League Roads Improvement Bureau. Its general aim will be to stimulate the interest of the public concerning the advantages of good roads and streets, and the best methods of constructing and maintaining them; and it is intended to make the magazine of interest and value to every person who travels the common roads. It will give news of all events bearing on the improvement of roads, and a series of articles on leading subjects pertaining to it. The four numbers of the journal before us conform to the standard set up in announcing these purposes.
An account of The Fourth International Prison Congress has been prepared by the Hon. C. D. Randall, at the request of the Commissioner of Education, at whose office it is published, in Washington. Besides the proceedings and addresses at the Congress last held, a summary of the proceedings and results of the three previous International Congresses is presented. In the appendix are further given an account of the entertainments and excursions tendered to the Congress, papers with reference to John Howard, an abstract of a conference of the managers of the reformatory and industrial institutions of Great Britain, and information concerning Russian and Siberian prisons.
"Brochure" 2, Volume I, of the Proceedings of the Rochester Academy of Science contains a variety of papers, among which are botanical, geological, and zoological section reports; special geological and archaeological articles; a list of the indigenous ferns in the vicinity of Rochester; notes on aboriginal implements recently found in Irondequoit; Peru, its people, productions, and physical characteristics; the Grand Canon of the Colorado; the Economic Minerals of the Ancients; Cetaceans, etc.
The American Journal of Morphology, Volume V, No. 3, C. O. Whitman and E. P. Allis editors, contains papers on the Osteology of Mesohippus and Leptomeryx, with Observations on the Modes and Factors of Evolution in the Mammalia, by W. B. Scott; The Growth and Metamorphosis of Tornaria, by T. H. Morgan; A Human Embryo Twenty-six Days Old, by F. Mall; On the Precocious Segregation of the Sex Cells in Micrometrus Aggregates, Gibbons, by Carl H. Eigenmann; Some Points in the Development of the Toad-Fish (Batrachus Tau), by Cornelia M. Clapp; Development of the Epiphysis in Coregonus Albus, by Charles Hill; and Notes on the Development of some Sponges, by Henry V. Wilson. Boston: Ginn & Co.
Le Poil des Animaux et les Fourrures (The Hair of Animals and Furs) is a pendant to a work by the same author, Lacroix-Danliard, on the feathers of birds. In it the structure, form, and color of hair are considered; hairs are classified according to their origin and consistence, and uses to which they are applied, as fine hairs and downy fur; hairs that are spun, woven, carded, or combed; felting and hats; and silks, horse-hairs, and their uses in brush-making and upholstery. Further, the author describes the habitation, ways, and hunting of the animals which furnish the raw material of hair and fur; the places of production, markets, and prices; and, finally, gives some useful information concerning the parasites of hair and the means of contending against them. Paris: J. B. Baillière et Fils.
The Journal of Physiology, edited by Michael Foster and other eminent physiologists, among whom are four Americans, is the leading organ of original physiological investigation in the English language. The double number, 1 and 2 of Volume XIII, contains three articles with, in all, seven plates of curve tracings. The articles are on Some of the In-