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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 41.djvu/496

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From this table it is understood that the number of dwellings having 1 person only represents 3·22 per cent of the whole number of dwellings in the United States, while the population of such dwellings is but ·59 per cent of the total population. Dwellings containing from 2 to 6 persons represent over two thirds of all the dwellings, and about one half of the whole population. About 4·33 per cent of the dwellings contain more than 10 persons, and represent 13·59 per cent of the total population. Examining the results in this direction for twenty-eight cities, or those having a population of 100,000 and over, the Census Office presents the following tabular statement:

From this table we find that there were in New York city at the time of the last Federal census a total of 81,828 occupied dwellings. More than 50 per cent of these contain from 1 to 10 persons, and a little less than 50 per cent contain more than 10 persons. The population represented by dwellings in New York city having 10 persons or less is 250,002, or 16·50 per cent of the whole population, while the population represented by dwellings having more than 10 occupants is 1,265,299, or 83·50 per cent of the entire population.

The population of Chicago is about evenly divided between the two classes of dwellings, 50·82 per cent living in dwellings having from 1 to 10 occupants, and 49·18 per cent living in dwellings containing more than 10 persons each on the average.

In Philadelphia a very different condition of affairs is seen.