ing the record for some trace of the outline of the letter or figure; but always with a negative result. While unsuccessful in this
Fig. 13.—↦ Hand on Automatograph. Facing ↦. Counting pendulum. Time, 35 seconds. The record from B' to C is continuous with that of A to B. The subject a child of eleven years.
sense, the records prove of value in furnishing a valuable contrast to the experiments in which the attention was fixed in a definite direction. For example, the subject is thinking of the letter O; he does not think of it as in any special place, and the record, Fig. 14, likewise reveals no movement in any one direction. Two
Fig. 14.—Thinking of Letter O. Pencil in hand; record on table. I, standing; II, sitting.
records are shown quite similar in significance, and illustrating as well the difference between the movements while standing and while sitting.
We have thus illustrated a variety of involuntary movements obtained in different ways and with bearings upon many points of importance to the psychologist. They by no means exhaust the possibilities of research, or the deduction of conclusions in this field of study, but simply illustrate in an imperfect way how abundant and intricate are the expressions of the thoughts that lie within.