cally and actually, show up the ridiculous pretensions of modern homœopathic practice. Other medical "vagaries," like "Keeleyism," patent medicines, advertising, etc., are attacked with earnest vigor. Philadelphia.
A compendium of information is furnished by Dr. C. Remondino, concerning a region which is attracting much attention on account of its climatic advantages, in his book on The Mediterranean Shores of America (F. A. Davis & Co., Philadelphia, $1.25). The preparation of the book was suggested while the author was trying to unravel the intricate and contradictory information that is encountered in the study of climatology and its relation to the etiology of phthisis. Then he made a special study of his home climate, or rather climates, for he distinguishes seven kinds in southern California. The introduction is devoted to the discussion of generalities concerning the various features, several and collective, of climate, location, soil, altitude, exposure, sunshine, electrical conditions, etc., and is followed by descriptions of the several health resorts of the region and their peculiarities.
A book describing The Chinese, their Present and Future; Medical, Political, and Social (F. A. Davis, Philadelphia, $1.75), is by a Presbyterian medical missionary, Dr. Robert Coltman, Jr., who became fascinated with the peoples of the far East, and particularly with those of China, by reading accounts of them in missionary journals and books. He was disappointed in his reading by a lack of detail and a meagerness of description, especially in regard to the social state of the people and country at present, and sought an opportunity to go and see for himself. Hence the book may be regarded as a labor of love. It gives a lively running account of what the author saw, experienced, and learned in northern China, throws many side-lights on the social conditions of the people of all classes, and adds chapters on the missionaries and their works, business opportunities, the present political situation of the country, and its future prospects.
The Hygienic Treatment of Consumption has been prepared by Dr. M. L. Holbrook to advocate the treatment of consumption by hygienic remedies, which are accessible to all who have the intelligence and the wisdom to acquire a knowledge of them and their application. It is methodical, and in the first part considers the nature and causes of the disease. Among the latter are the predisposing causes of various kinds, and the accidents which often result in consumption, and the micro-organisms as the immediate cause. The second and third parts discuss the prevention and treatment of consumption in its earlier stages and in more advanced cases. Most important of the remedies is enlargement of the chest and lungs, both as preventive and as curative measures in the early stages of the disease. They are secured through expansion by breathing, vocal culture, and a large number of physical exercises which are described. Food, clothing, the dwelling, horseback-riding, the will and will power, and many other physical agencies much neglected are discussed; also resting in the open air at various seasons and its advantages. The book is written mainly for the patient, who may select from the various remedies such as are more especially adapted to his needs. (M. L. Holbrook & Co., New York.)
Phases of Animal Life Past and Present (Longmans, $1.50) is the name of a collection of essays by R. Lydekker, which are intended to illustrate in a popular manner a few of the various modes in which animals—especially vertebrates—are adapted to similar conditions of existence; and also to demonstrate some of the more remarkable types of structure obtaining among the higher vertebrates. Special attention is given to the curious creatures of past geological ages, but living forms are not neglected. The animals described are classed as "mailclad," "flying," "swimming," "primeval salamanders," "fish lizards" (short-necked), "plesiosaurs" (long-necked), "tortoises and turtles," "giant land reptiles" (dinosaurs), "flying dragons" (pterodactyles), "giant birds," "egg-laying mammals" (monotremes), "pouched animals" (marsupials), and "dogs and bears," followed by chapters on teeth and their variations, horns and antlers, and rudimentary structures. The style is clear and entertaining, the descriptions are specific, and the illustrations are excellent.
A book published by Putnams, on Materialism and Modern Physiology of the Nervous System, is the substance of an address that was delivered before the Philosophical