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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 42.djvu/489

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"I am convinced that such a station erected at a suitable point on the coast and fully equipped, but, above all things, under judicious management, will greatly further advancing biological science."—C. Gegenbaur, Heidelberg.

"I fully believe that your countrymen, with their accustomed enterprise, will meet your present request."—G. B. Howes, London.

"If you succeed in founding in the United Slates a biological institution in which the processes of life may be studied in all their magnitude and extent, you will indeed perform a lasting service to humanity."—C. Ludwig, Leipsic.

"Speaking as a physiologist, I can hardly say anything too strong on behalf of marine laboratories such as the one you wish to establish."—M. Foster, Cambridge, England.

"I am glad to learn that your plans for the establishment of a permanent national marine laboratory are taking definite shape, and I hope their importance will be generally recognized. It would be strange if support could not be found for an American laboratory that will bear comparison with those of England, France, Germany, and Italy."—E. B. Wilson, Columbia.

"The need of a biological experiment station is even greater in this country than in Europe, where its importance has been recognized for a good many years, as shown in the numerous stations already established."—W. G. Farlow, Harvard.

"I wish to be put down as one who favors the plan most emphatically. . . . I hope that steps will be taken to make the place a summer gathering ground for the biologists of this country in the broadest sense of the word—i. e., let us have investigations in zoölogy, physiology, botany, the study of the environment, both physical and chemical as well as experimental. Let it further be a national, not a sectional movement."—William Libbey, Jr., Princeton.

"I am glad that the Marine Biological Laboratory is taking steps toward securing a permanent and adequate endowment. I have watched its development with a good deal of interest, and have gladly contributed my mite for its support."—William Trelease, Missouri Botanical Garden.

"T need hardly assure you of my deep and cordial interest in the permanent establishment of a seaside laboratory, and of my desire that the University of Illinois may share to the limit of its ability in its burdens and in the benefits to be derived from it."—S. A. Forbes, Illinois State Laboratory of Natural History.

"I am very deeply interested in the development of the laboratory at Woods Holl. I believe that it is in itself one of the most important educational institutions in the country, and I shall be glad to do all that I can to advance its interests."—David S. Jordan, Menlo Park, Cal.

In the description of his journey into the interior of Iceland, published in Petermann's Mitteilungen, Th. Thoraddsen refers to the oases in the desert of volcanic sand at the foot of Mount Hecla. These are constantly changing or moving on account of the violent sand-storms which rage there. On the windward side they are encroached upon by the sand, and all vegetation is gradually destroyed, while on the other sides the grasses take root and "in a surprisingly short time barren and unfruitful spots are changed into good pasture."