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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 42.djvu/874

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There is in Chicago an organization known as the Sunset Club, which holds meetings fortnightly for the discussion of social topics. Some of the addresses prepared for these discussions are printed in a volume with the title Echoes of the Sunset Club. The subjects treated are such as freedom of the press, subsidies and the tariff, the Sunday question, pensions, money and its functions, nationalism, anarchy, etc. Something of the customs and success of the club is told in a few preliminary pages. Those wishing to know if the book is on sale should address the secretary, at 154 Lake Street.

Under the title Where is my Dog? the Rev. Charles J. Adams presents a plea for belief in the immortality of the lower animals. His argument is briefly that because animals possess so much intelligence and morality as they frequently exhibit, they "ought" to be rewarded by immortality. Their masters, too, "ought" to be allowed to meet their lowly friends in another world. (Fowler & Wells Co., $1.)


Anderson, Winslow. Mineral Springs and Health Resorts of California. San Francisco: The Bancroft Co. Pp. 384.

Barber, E. A.. Westchester, Pa. List of Papers, Pamphlets, and Books. Pp. 8.

Boies, Henry M. Prisoners and Paupers. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 318. $1.50.

Bonney, G. E. Electrical Experiments. New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp.252. 75 cents.

Bottome, S. R. How to manage the Dynamo. New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 63. 60 cents.

Booth, Charles. Life and Labor of the London People. Volumes I and III. New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 300 each. $1.50 per vol.

Bowker, William H. Relation of Fishes to Agriculture. Boston: Wright and Potter Printing Co. Pp. 29.

Bulletin from the Laboratories of Natural History, State University of Iowa. Volume H. No. 3. Iowa City. Pp. 98. 35 cents.

Campbell, H. J. Text-book of Elementary Biology. New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 234. $1.60.

Chicago Daily News Almanac for 1893. Pp. 424. 25 cents.

Childs, G. W. Public Ledger Almanac for 1893. Pp.77.

Clarke, Isaac Edwards. Industrial and Manual Training in Public Schools. Washington: Bureau of Education. Pp. 1338.

Commonwealth, The. A Weekly Magazine of Sociology. New York. Commonwealth Co. $1 a year.

De Beye, Baron J. Industrial Arts of the Anglo-Saxons. New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 135. With Plates. $7.

Densmore, Emmett. How Nature cures. New York: Stillman & Co. Pp. 413.

Densmore, Helen. The Mavbrick Case. New York. Stillman & Co. Pp. 118. 25 cents.

Dodell, Arnold. Moses or Darwin? New York: Commonwealth Co. Pp. 326.

Dreyspring, A. The Cumulative Method French Reader. New York: American Book Company. Pp. 171. 75 cents.

Duffy, Terence. From Darkness to Light. San Francisco: The Author. Pp. 280.

Employer and Employed. Boston: Quarterly. Pp. 16. 40 cents a year.

Engle Sanitary and Cremation Company. New York. Pp. 32.

Errors in School Books. Boston: Albert A. Pope. Pp. 24.

Evans, Elizabeth E. A History of Religions. New York: Commonwealth Co. Pp. 128.

Evermann, Benton W. Description of a New Sucker. Washington: Government Printing Office. Pp.6.

Fewkes, J. Walter. Journal of American Ethnology and Archaeology. Volume III. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Pp. 144.

Foster, Michael, M. D.. and others, Editors. The Journal of Physiology. Volume XIV, No. 1. Cambridge, Eng. Pp. 130.

Gould, George M. The Antiseptic Dropper. Pp. 2.—A Case of Homatropine Susceptibility.—P. 1—Amblyopiatrics. Pp. 15. Reprints.

Gray, Andrew. Absolute Measurement in Electricity and Magnetism. New York: Macmillan & Co. Two Volumes. Pp. 868. $6.25.

Griswold, W. M. The Reader. Weekly. Cambridge, Mass. Pp. 12. 50 cents a year.

Hasty, E. E. What is Christianity? Richards, Lucas County, Ohio. Pp. 16. 2 cents.

Herrick, C. L. Mammals of Minnesota. Minneapolis. Pp. 299.

Hodges, C. F. Microscopical Study of Changes in Nerve Cells. Boston: Ginn & Co. Pp. 168. Reprint.

Holt, Thomas M. Biennial Message to the General Assembly of North Carolina. Raleigh: Pp. 68.

Jessopp, Augustus. Studies of a Recluse. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 281. $2.50.

Jones, G. W. Logarithmic Tables. Ithaca, N. Y. Pp. 16.

Journal of the American Chemical Society. Volume XIX, No 8. New York. Pp. 70.

Journal of the United States Artillery. Fort Monroe, Va. Volume H, No. 1. Pp. 176.

Keeler, Charles A. Evolution of the Colors of Birds. San Francisco: California Academy of Sciences. Pp. 361. With 19 Colored Plates. $5.

Keen, W. W. Umbilical Hernia, etc. Pp. 13. Reprint.

Kuh, Edwin J. Is Medicine a Science? Pp. 8. Reprint.

Kunz, G. F. Meteoritenstndien (Studies of Meteorites). Pp. 11. With Plates.—Brookite, Octahedite, Quartz, and Ruby. Pp. 2.—Farmington (Kansas) Aerolite. Pp. 3.—Fine New American Aerolites. Pp. 12.—On Two Meteoric Irons. Pp. 4.—Bohemian Garnets. Pp. 8.—Precious Stones. Pp. 9. Reprints.

Macfarlane, J. Muirhead. Minute Structure of Plant Hybrids. London: Williams & Norgate. Pp. 80. With 8 Plates.

Maryland Hospital for the Insane, Report for 1892. Baltimore. Pp. 88.

Miles, Manly. Heredity of Acquired Characters. Pp. 10. Reprint.

Monroe, Will S. Comenius Pp. 7. Reprint.

Motherhood. Monthly. February, 1893. Pp. 68. $1 a year.

Nason. Frank L. Iron Ores of Missouri. Jefferson City, Mo. (State Geological Survey). Pp. 366. With Map.