years ago. Dr. Talmage's treatise is very like the Handbook as to scope and method, and the author quotes his predecessor frequently in foot-notes. It is divided into four parts, treating respectively of Air and Ventilation with chapters on Heating and Lighting, Water, Food and its Cookery, Cleansing Agents, to the last of which is added Poisons and their Antidotes. In each of these divisions the laws of Nature that especially concern the matters in hand are stated, and the evil effects of disregarding these laws in each case are pointed out. The text is much strengthened by illustrations. The book has been adopted as a text-book for the Territory of Utah, and the present is a second and revised edition prepared for such use. The introduction of this subject into the schools can not fail to do much good.
Introduction to Physiological Psychology. By Dr. Theodor Ziehen. Translated by C. C. Van Liew and Dr. Otto Beyer. New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 284. Price, $1.50.
The recent introduction of the inductive and evolutionary mode of treatment into the field of mental science has brought forth abundant fruit where, for a long time, barren speculation had held sway. Psychology, or a division of it at least, has become a natural science, and knowledge of mental processes has been rapidly extended in consequence. Especially has this work gone on actively in Germany, and the facts obtained have received two distinct interpretations—the one held by Wundt and his school, the other by Münsterberg and Ziehen. Only one treatise on physiological psychology—the large work by Prof. Ladd, of Yale—has appeared in English, hence the translators have thought that such a small introductory compendium as the present volume would be desirable. The work originated in a series of lectures that Dr. Ziehen has delivered at the University of Jena for several years. It has been the aim of the author throughout to develop all explanations from physical or physiological data, and to account for the presence of certain functions by an application of the laws of evolution. The doctrines that he presents differ essentially from Wundt's theory and conform closely to the English psychology of association. By introducing an especial auxiliary function, the so called apperception, for the explanation of certain psychical processes, Wundt evades numerous difficulties in demonstration. This book is intended to show that such an "auxiliary function" is superfluous, and that all psychological phenomena can be explained without it.
Chemical Lecture Experiments. By G. S. Newth, F. I. C. London and New York: Longmans, Green & Co. 1892. Pp. 323. Price, $3.
This book is of some importance to chemical lecturers and teachers, as well as being a valuable assistance to the chemical student. It consists of six hundred and thirty-two illustrated experiments, which are given with remarkable lucidity, the author claiming that "no account of any experiment has been introduced upon the authority solely of any verbal or printed description, but every experiment has been the subject of his own personal investigation, and illustrated by woodcuts from original drawings." It is arranged in such a manner that students may learn from it the methods of preparation and most of the important properties of the nonmetallic elements and their more common compounds. As a companion to the lectures which he may attend, the chemical student will find fully described in this book most, if not all, of the experiments he is likely to see performed upon the lecture table, thereby relieving him from the necessity of laboriiously noting the apparatus, etc., used by the demonstrator. Many of the experiments are novel and interesting, and the tables which form the appendix will be found to contain important information for which books of reference are usually needed.
An overgrown volume of nearly fifteen hundred pages on Education in the Industrial and Fine Arts in the United States comes to us from the Bureau of Education. This is only the second part of a special report by Isaac Edwards Clarke, and the editor states that most of the matter intended for this volume has been relegated to a third part. There is first an Introduction of over a hundred pages, in which the editor devotes several of the early pages to telling how his first part has been praised. Soon after this come three