of the work of the class; and some of their pleasantest associations had been among the glens of the Highlands and the hills and shores of the Lowlands.
Prof. Geikie is a prolific writer on all subjects relating to geology. When he was appointed in 1871 to the chair in Edinburgh he had the whole department to organize—a difficult task, but also an educating one—and to that, says Nature, we are indebted for the undisputed superiority which he has displayed in his Text Book, as well as in his other educational writings, "such as the Class Book, a very model of clearness, whereby it has been once more demonstrated that those only are qualified for writing elementary books who are in the fullest possession of the whole matter." Likewise he is the author of small books or primers on Physical Geology and Physical Geography, of which some hundreds of thousands of copies have been sold, and which have been translated into most European languages, as well as several Asiatic tongues. He is also author of numerous memoirs in the Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society, the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, the memoirs of the Geological Survey, the Quarterly and North British Reviews, Nature, etc.; of the Story of a Boulder, 1858; in conjunction with the late Dr. George Wilson, of The Life of Prof. Edward Forbes, 1861; of the Phenomena of the Glacial Drift of Scotland, 1863; The Scenery of Scotland viewed in Connection with its Physical Geology, 1865, and a new edition, largely rewritten, in 1887; in conjunction with the late J. B. Jukes, of a Student's Manual of Geology, 1871; of the Science Primers of Physical Geography, and Geology, 1873; Memoir of Sir Roderick I. Murchison, with notices of his Scientific Contemporaries, and of the Rise and Progress of Palæozoic Geology in Britain, 2 vols., 1874; of the Geological Map of Scotland, 1876; of the Class Book of Physical Geography, 1877; of Outlines of Field Geology, 1879; of Geological Sketches at Home and Abroad, 1882; of A Text-Book of Geology, 1882; of A Class Book of Geology, 1886. Prof. Geikie was associated with Sir Roderick Murchison, in the Scottish Highlands, in the preparation of a memoir of that district, and of a new Geological Map of Scotland, both published in 1861. He was elected to the Royal Society before reaching the age of thirty years, and is now its foreign secretary. He is past President of the Geological Society. He received the Murchison Medal of the Geological Society in 1881, and has been twice awarded the McDougal Brisbane medal of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. He is an associate of the Berlin Academy, of the Royal Society of Sciences at Göttingen, of the Imperial Leopold Caroline Academy, of the Imperial Society of Naturalists at Moscow, and a correspondent of the French Academy of Sciences.