The atmosphere of a large city is not conducive to much original work in science, and especially is this the case in New York city. Things of a more practical nature force themselves upon the attention of a scientist, and his opinion is in constant demand. In consequence, we find in the American Contributions to Chemistry but two papers devoted to original research contributed by Prof. Joy during the time of his connection with Columbia College. They are On Glucinum and its Compounds (1863), and Analysis of a Meteorite from Chili (1864), both of which were published in the American Journal of Science. Several of the analyses of minerals that appeared in Dana's System of Mineralogy by him were also made at this time. This meager record is readily explained by the fact that Prof. Joy's literary inclination was promptly taken advantage of by the editors of prominent periodicals, and articles from his skillful pen were constantly in demand. He was a frequent contributor to the Scientific American, and every week prepared columns of notes for Frank Leslie's periodicals, reviewing all of their foreign scientific exchanges for them. For many years he edited the Journal of Applied Chemistry, published in New York, and also wrote most of the articles on chemistry in Appletons' American Cyclopædia.
Prof. Joy was naturally prominent in numerous organizations, chiefly, however, in those of a scientific character. He held the chairmanship of the Polytechnic Association of the American Institute; he was also President of the American Photographic Society. During 1866-'67 he was President of the Lyceum of Natural History, now the Academy of Science, from which place he gracefully and generously retired after a brief service in order to afford an opportunity to Dr. John S. Newberry to be introduced to the scientific circles of the metropolis. In 1874, when the American chemists gathered at the grave of Priestley, in Northumberland, Pa., and an organization was effected to celebrate the Centennial of Chemistry, Prof. Joy was chosen one of the vice-presidents. He was a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and for a time was Foreign Secretary of the American Geographical Society; he was likewise an enthusiastic member of the Century Association. It is but fair also to record his active interest in various charitable societies, and he was a member of the Protestant Episcopal Church.
Among the many interesting experiences of his life none perhaps gave him more delight than his connections with the various World's Fairs. He served on juries of those held in London, Paris, Vienna, and Philadelphia. During the terrible heat in 1870, while actively engaged in his duties at the Centennial Fair in Philadelphia, he was prostrated by sunstroke. He was promptly brought to his city home, but a cruel illness of many