er space"; and here is where he locates the presence of God and also that of the departed souls. This invention he apologizes for by saying that it is "a terribly hard thing to realize." Nevertheless he assumes its existence and the conditions referred to for the purpose of penetrating, without irreverence, into the secrets of the unseen, for he says: "Seeking for the truth there is neither presumption nor irreverence, nor intrusion into forbidden ground, always provided that the search is prosecuted in a right spirit." Notwithstanding the ultra-scientific style of Mr. Willink in this work, and although it will not be understood by many, there can be no doubt but that his motive is excellent, and that the book will be read with pleasure by many of those interested in the higher theological subjects. (The World of the Unseen. New York: Macmillan & Co. Price, $1.25.)
In issuing a second edition of his work on the Geographical Distribution of Disease in Great Britain, Dr. Alfred Haviland has divided it, making Part I, now published, cover Cumberland, Westmoreland, and the Lake District (Macmillan, $4.50). In this part the geology and physical geography of the region are fully described, and the distribution of different diseases is set forth. There are several colored maps showing geological formations, contours, and the distribution of phthisis, cancer, and heart disease. In this edition the statistics of deaths from 1861 to 1870 are added to those from 1851 to 1860, used in the first edition. An appendix contains a list of plants growing in limestone districts, tables of population, etc.
In The Dynamic Theory of Life and Mind an attempt is made by James B. Alexander, of Minneapolis, "to show that all organic beings are both constructed and operated by the dynamic agencies of their respective environments." The author has gathered into his thousand octavo pages a great number of accepted facts in biology, paleontology, physiology, acoustics, optics, electricity, and psychology. Scattered through this mass of material is a limited amount of argument in support of his contention that "organisms, instead of being hand-made and purposive, are machine-built machines, and operated when built by forces outside of themselves." That is to say, that organs are parts not yet adapted to those functions, and that the activity of the organism is determined by stimuli from without The data are drawn from competent sources, and all the author's statements are made in a clear and temperate style. Over four hundred figures illustrate the text.
The Geological Survey has issued a monograph on the Geology of the Eureka District, Nevada, by Arnold Hague, with an atlas. The area covered by the survey here recorded is about twenty miles square, and lies in the central part of Nevada. The monograph is a quarto volume of four hundred and nineteen pages, embracing a general description and a geological sketch of the district, with discussions of the rocks of the several epochs that are represented within the area in question, and an account of the ore-deposits found there. A Systematic List of Fossils, by C. D. Walcott, and a paper on the Microscopical Petrography of the Eruptive Rocks, by J. P. Iddings, are appended. Eight plates illustrate the text. The atlas contains eleven folio sheets, one covering the whole district, and the others representing the several divisions of it on a larger scale.
Abbe, Cleveland. The Mechanics of the Earth's Atmosphere. Washington: Smithsonian Institution. Pp. 324.
Agricultural Experiment Stations: Connecticut. Annual Report. Pp. 168.—University of Illinois. Variations in Milk. Pp. 36.—Massachusetts. Tenth Annual Report of the Board of Control. Pp. .354.—Commercial Fertilizers. Pp. 8.—New York. Manufacture of Cheese. Pp. 16.—Some Celery Diseases. Pp. 16.
Bedell, F., and Crehore, A. C. Alternating Currents. New York: The W. J. Johnston Co., Limited. Pp. 325.
Bolton, Prof. H. Carrington. A Modern Oracle and its Prototypes: A Study in Catoptromancy. New York. Pp. 38.
Bonar, James. Philosophy of Political Economy. New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 410.
Bradford, E. P., and Lewis, Louis. M. D. Handbook of Emergencies and Common Ailments. Sold by subscription. Boston: B. B. Russell. Pp. 448.
Brewer, City of, Maine. Mayor's Address and the Annual Reports. Pp. 81.
Brinton, Daniel O. The Pursuit of Happiness. Philadelphia: David McKay. Pp. 292. $1.
Bruner, Lawrence. The More Destructive Locusts of America North of Mexico. Washington: Government Printing Office. Pp. 40.
Burbank's Experimental Grounds, Santa Rosa, Cal. New Creations in Fruits and Flowers. Pp. 52.
Cassell Publishing Company, New York. Portrait Catalogue. Pp. 112.