Dean, Bashford. Report on the European Methods of Oyster Culture. Washington: United States Fish Commission. Pp. 48, with Plates.
Emerson, Ralph Waldo. The American Scholar, Self-Reliance, Compensation. American Book Company. Pp. 108. 20 cents.
Employer and Employed. Quarterly. Pp. 16. Boston: George H. Ellis. 10 cents; 40 cents a year.
Fernow, B. E. Report of the Chief of the Division of Forestry for 1893. Washington; Government Printing Office. Pp. 64.
Fitting, The Principle of. By a Foreman Pattern Maker. Macmillan & Co. Pp.318. $1.50.
Ginn & Co., Boston. Bulletin of Publications in the Modern Languages.
Graham, Douglas. Recent Developments in Massage. Detroit, Mich.: George S. Davis. Pp. 128. (Physicians' Leisure Library. $2.50 a year.)
Grinnell, George Bird. Pawnee Mythology. Pp. 17.
Harkness, James, and Morley, ' rank. Theory of Functions. Macmillan & Co. Pp. 507.
Harper, W. R., and Castle, C. F. Greek Prose Composition. American Book Company. Pp. 127. 75cents.
Harrington, C. W. Report of the Chief of the Weather Bureau for 1898. Washington: Government Printing Office. Pp. 80.
Harris, W. T., Commissioner. Report of the Commissioner of Education, 1889-'99. Washington: Government Printing Office. 2 vols. Pp. 1724.
Hawkins, C. C, and Wallis, F. The Dynamo; its Theory, Design, and Manufacture. Macmillan & Co. Pp. 520.
Hayes, M. H. The Points of the Horse. Macmillan & Co. Pp. 38. $10 50.
Himes, Prof. C. F. The Scientific Expert in Forensic Procedure. Pp. 32.
Hollick, Arthur. Contribution on Cretaceous Formation of Long Island and Eastward. Pp. 16, with Plates.—Plant Distribution as a Factor in the Interpretation of Glacial Phenomena. Pp. 16.
Horsford, E. N. and Cornelia. Leif s House in Vineland.—Graves of the Northmen. Boston: Damrell & Upham. Pp. 40, with Plates.
Imperial University of Japan. Journal of the College of Science (Anatomy of the Limproliaceæ, by Sadahisa Matsuda). Pp. 86, with Plates.
Johnston, W. J. Elementary Treatise on Analytical Geometry. Macmillan & Co. Pp. 425.
"Land, The, shall not be sold forever." Reprint from Canadian Methodist. Quarterly. Pp. 8.
MacDonald, Arthur. Abnormal Men. Washington: Bureau of Education. Pp. 445.
Mach, Dr. Ernst. The Science of Mechanics. Chicago: Open Court Publishing Company. Pp. 534. $2.50.
Magazine and Book Reference. Quarterly. New York: Society of Pedagogy. Pp.8.
Maginnis, A. J. The Atlantic Ferry. Macmillan & Co. Pp. 208. 75 cents.
Marlatt, C. L. Report on Useful and Injurious Insects, etc. Pp. 32.—Report on Wine-making in France. Pp. 60.
Martin, H. T. Castorologia (the Canadian Beaver). Montreal: William Drysdale & Co. Pp. 238.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston. Description. Pp. 39.—Annual Report. Pp. 81.—Annual Catalogue. Pp. 256.
Maycock, W. P. Electric Lighting and Power Distribution, Part III. Macmillan & Co. Pp. 148, with blanks. 75 cents.
Morrow, J. T., and Reid, Thorburn. Arithmetic of Magnetism and Electricity. Lynn, Mass.; Bubier Publishing Co. Pp. 145. $1.
New England Weather Service. Bulletin for June, 1893. J. W. Smith, Director.
Newton, Alfred, and Gadow, Hans, and others. A Dictionary of Birds. Part I, A to G. London: Adam and Charles Black. Pp. 304. $2.60.
North Dakota Weather and Crop Service. June, 1893. Bismarck. Pp. 15, with Plate.
Oaspe, Selections from. Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy. Boston. Pp. 23.
Riley, C. V. Report of the Entomologist, United States Department of Agriculture for 1892. Pp. 30, with Plates.—The Yucca Moth and Yucca Pollination. Pp. 60, with Plates.—Parasitism in Insects. Pp. 35.—Various Papers on Lachnosterna; A New Herbarium Pest; Certain Peculiar Structures of Lepidoptera; The Department of Agriculture and Apiculture; The Elm-leaf Beetle; Coleopterous Larvæ; New Species of Prodoxidæ; On the Ox Bot in the United States. Pp. 4 to 16 each.
Ritchie, David G. Darwin and Hegel, etc. Macmillan & Co. Pp. 285.
Savage, R. H. The Passing Show. New York and Chicago: F. Tennyson Neely. Pp. 326. 50 cents.
Society, The, for Psychical Research. Transactions. June, 1893. London. Pp. 234. 3s. 6d.
Stowell, C. H., Editor. Food. Monthly. New York: The Clover Publishing Co. Pp. 48. 20 cents. $2 a year.
Swinton, William. A School History of the United States. American Book Co. Pp. 383. 90 cents.
Tebb, William. The Recrudescence of Leprosy. London: Swan, Sonnenschein & Co. Pp. 412.
Technical Society of the Pacific Coast. Transactions. San Francisco. Pp. 60.
Thorpe, F. N. Benjamin Franklin and the University of Pennsylvania. Washington: Bureau of Education. Pp. 450, with Plates.
Thorpe. J. E. A Dictionary of Applied Chemistry, Vol. III. New York: Longmans, Green & Co Pp. 1058. $20.
Topinard, Dr. Paul. L'Anthropologie aux États Unis (Anthropology in the United States). Paris. Pp. 48.
United States Geological Survey. Report for ]889-'90. 2 vols. Pp. 7.57 and 395.—Lesquereux's Flora of the Dakota Group. Pp. 897.—Papers on the Geology of New Jersay, by R. P. Whitfield. Pp. 402.—Bulletins, 82 to 85, and 90 to 96 (Correlative Papers on the Cretaceous, by C. A. White; on the Eocene, by W. B. Clark; on the Neocene, by W. H. Dall; on the Newark System, by I. C. Russell; Report of Work done in Chemistry and Physics, by W. P. Clarke; Record of North American (Geology for 1890. by N. H. Dayton; the Compressibility of Liquids, by Carl Barus; Insects from the Tertiaries of Colorado and Utah, by S. H. Scudder; The Mechanism of Solid Viscosity, by Carl Barus; Earthquakes in California in 1890 and 1891, by E. S. Holden; The Volume Thermodynamics of Liquids, by Carl Barus).
United States National Museum Publications. A New Species of Cyprinoid Fish, by D. S. Jordan; Diatomaceæ from off Delaware Bay, by Albert Mann; Throwing Sticks from Mexico and California, by O. T. Mason; The Gray Shrike, by Leonhard Stejneger; Erian (Devonian) Plants, etc., by D. P. Penhallow; Report on Actiniæ, by J. P. McMurrich; Fossil Plants from the Fort Union Group, Montana, by F. H. Knowlton.
United States Navy. Catalogue of the Exhibits in the Museum of Hygiene, Medical Department. Compiled by P. S. Wales. Pp. 136.
Ward, C. J., Honorary Commissioner. Jamaica at Chicago. Pp. 95, with Map.
Warden, Florence. A Terrible Family. New York: International News Company. Pp. 311. 50 cents.