Adding these totals, we obtain the area of the semitropic orchards of California, according to the latest and most reliable data. There are 64,361 acres of oranges, 9,274 acres of olives, 12,396 acres of lemons, and 5,280 acres of figs. The entire acreage devoted to the semitropic fruits above classified is 91,311. No reasonable allowance for small orchards overlooked would be likely to bring this total to much more than 95,000 acres. Studying the table, we

Young Fig Tree. Tejon Ranch.
observe that the leading orange-growing counties are San Bernardino and Los Angeles; the leading fig county is Los Angeles, with Santa Barbara very close, but both still under the thousand acre mark; the leading olive counties are San Diego and Santa Barbara, and the leading lemon counties are San Diego and Los Angeles. Placer, Butte, Sacramento, and Yuba are the only counties in the Sacramento Valley and northern Sierra foothills that