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drew their supplies. I managed to say all this and a good deal more without exciting a murmur; nay, I was frequently interrupted by expressions of approval, and when I ended the burst of applause was as hearty as I have ever heard.

So this matter is past, and I am now preparing for Baltimore. I have received innumerable requests and invitations to lecture, and could I hope to be able to respond to them or any of them, I should send them to you and ask you to select from the many those that you think most suitable. But I see no hope of being able to prolong my visit beyond the end of January. I dare say I shall be pretty well used up by that time.

As regards science, the newspapers that I have glanced at here are very dull and poorly reported. Perhaps I have not seen the best of them. . . .

Always yours,
John Tyndall.

Baltimore, December 1, 1872.

Nothing could be more genial and sympathetic than my reception at Baltimore. They declare the lectures entirely successful. Both at Philadelphia and here I have spoken very strongly about their duty as regards scientific investigation.

Washington, Welckerie Hotel, 15th St., December, 1872.

My Dear Youmans:. . . The lectures here are going off well. Lincoln Hall is crowded, and I am assured that no such audiences ever assembled in Washington before. I was brief the first night, but gave them two hours the second night, and an hour and three quarters last night. By the way, when I came to the hall I found to my horror that I had put the wrong notes in my pocket, and so I had to speak for the hour and three quarters without once looking at a note.

No sign of weariness or inattention was to be seen in the audience from first to last.

You will not forget the taking of quiet rooms for me. Expense is quite a secondary matter, so if the Brevoort be the best, please let me have rooms there. Quiet is the great thing—more precious than gold; yea, than much fine gold.

It is difficult to report these experimental lectures. Ordinary reporters can not possibly do it. Now, if you think the New York papers desire to report the lectures I might throw my notes into such a form as would help them, and let them have a copy of the notes of each lecture. What do you say to this?

I hope you are all right again. I am well aided here, and have brought a colored man from Philadelphia, who is very useful.

Always faithfully yours,
John Tyndall.

Prof. Tyndall's lectures in New York were given in Cooper Institute, then one of our largest public halls. It was densely crowded throughout the course by the most intelligent people of the city and adjacent towns, who listened with close and absorbing attention. The ablest men of science and the professions, successful men of business, and cultivated ladies followed him with sustained enthusiasm, and it was felt that no such assemblages had ever before been gathered in New York. Much of this success was due to the attractiveness of the experiments, and much to the felicity of the professor's manner; but the indications of an earnest desire to comprehend the argument and get a thorough understanding of the phenomena presented were abun-