ble scheme of atonement, to which some of Paul's words may be made to fit more or less loosely. I mean a statement which has nothing in it of my own, but which is based wholly upon an examination of the words of Paul, these being taken in their most natural and direct signification." This interpretation forced itself upon him when he first began the serious reading of the New Testament, and all his subsequent study has confirmed its truth; and while it is remote from our habits of thought, it does not, the author believes, contradict our moral sense, and he hopes it "may do something to reconcile the New Testament and the conscience of the Christian world." (Published by Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Price, $1.50.)
The edition of the Æneid (six books) and Bucolics of Vergil prepared by President W. R. Harper and Instructor F. J. Miller is intended to present the Latinity of the author in as suggestive and accessible a form as possible, and to afford stimulus and material for the study of the poet from a literary point of view. The plan of the studies is inductive throughout. In the Introduction are given a series of studies for developing important principles of syntax, and a new presentation of the Vergilian verse and principles of quantity. Materials for literary study are provided in a bibliography; a list of topics for investigation; an account of the Royal House of Troy; Rhetorical Study; and notes of various kinds. The Eclogues are introduced at the request of teachers who desire to give their classes more than the first six books of the Æneid. (This edition of Vergil is published by the American Book Company. Price, $1.50.)
President W. R. Harper, of the University of Chicago, and James Wallace have prepared a handsome, compact edition of Xenophon's Anabasis for class-room use, with suitable illustrations and other aids to enhance interest and facilitate the study of the noble classic. The text is that of the recension of Arnold Hug. The notes are brief and elementary, supplemented by references to the grammars and to the historical introduction which precedes the text. The first occurrence of words is indicated by special type. Great pains have been taken with the vocabulary. Guides are furnished for etymological study. Maps of Greece and of the route of the Anabasis and the retreat are inserted. Three of the books have been edited for sight-reading. Tables of paradigms are given. The Historical Introduction, Bibliography, and Itinerary are rich in information and can not but contribute much to make the story seem real. (American Book Company. Price, $1.50.)
For his book of Logarithmic Tables, Prof. George William Jones, of Cornell University, has compared the figures of the principal larger tables, and applied every known test for accuracy, computing anew where there was doubt; has sought, by similar examinations of standard tables and by consultation, to secure a plan that would promote rapid and easy use; has employed such type and adopted such arrangement as would so far as possible prevent straining of the eyes; and presents the work at the small cost of seventy-five cents. The tables are preceded by a satisfactory set of explanations, and include logarithms of numbers, trigonometric functions, addition-subtraction logarithms, prime and composite numbers, squares, cubes, square and cube roots, reciprocals, quarter-squares, Bessel's coefficients, binomial coefficients, and errors of observation. (Published by the author at Ithaca, N. Y., and by Macmillan & Co.)
Agricultural Experiment Stations. Bulletins. Nebraska: Influence of Changes of Food and Temperature on Milk. Pp. 12. Purdue University: Shelter of Milch Cows in Winter; Skim Milk as a Food for Calves. Pp. 13.
American Book Company. The School Calendar.
Atwood, George E. Complete Graded Arithmetic. Part I. Pp. 200. 45 cents. Part II. Pp. 382. 85 cents. Boston: D. C. Heath & Co.
Badenoch, L. N. Romance of the Insect World. New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 341. $1.25.
Bell, Alexander Meleville. Speech Tones. Washington, D. C. Pp. 18.
Bolin, Jakob. New York. Mental Growth through Physical Education. Pp. 18.
Bradley, F. H. Appearance and Reality. New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 558. $1.75.
Burpee, W. Atlee, Philadelphia. Selection in Seed Growing. Pp. 98.—Burpee's Farm Annuals, 1894. Pp. 172.
Carter, Oscar S., Philadelphia. Diamonds in Meteorites. P. 1.—Artesian Wells. Pp. 8.
Cattell, J. McKeon, and Baldwin, J. Mark. The Psychological Review. Bi-monthly. Vol. I, No. 1. Pp. 112. New York: Macmillan & Co. 75 cents; $4 a year.
Davis, C. H. S., Editor, Meriden, Conn. Biblia. Monthly. January, 1894. Pp. 32. 10 cents; $1 a year. New York: B. Westermann & Co.