Principles of Animal Mechanics, London, 1873, preface and p. 156 and elsewhere. For details of the persecution of Drs. Winchell and Woodrow, and of the Beyrout professors, with authorities cited, see my chapter on The Fall of Man and Anthropology. For more liberal views among various religionists regarding the Darwinian theory, and for efforts to mitigate and adopt it to theological views, among the great mass of utterances see the following: Charles Kingsley, Letters to Darwin, November 18, 1859, in Darwin's Life and Letters, vol. ii, p. 82; Adam Sedgwick to Charles Darwin, December 24, 1859, see ibid., vol. ii, pp. 856-359; the same to Miss Gerard, January 2, 1860, see Sedgwick's Life and Letters, vol. ii, pp. 859, 360; the same in the Spectator, London, March 24, 1860; The Rambler, March, 1860, cited by Mivart, Genesis of Species, p. 30; The Dublin Review, May, 1860. For a review of the Origin of Species, The Christian Examiner, Boston, May, 1860, on the Origin of Species; Charles Kingsley to F. D. Maurice in 1863, see Kingsley's Life, vol. ii, p. 171; Adam Sedgwick to Livingstone (the explorer), March 16, 1865; see Life and Letters of Sedgwick, vol. ii, pp. 410-412; The Duke of Argyll, The Reign of Law, New York, pp. 16, 18, 31, 116, 117, 120, 159; Joseph P. Thompson, D. D., LL. D., Man in Genesis and Geology, New York, 1870, pp. 48, 49, 82; James Freeman Clarke, a review in the Old and New Magazine, Boston, September, 1870, on his Steps of Belief; Canon H. P. Liddon, Sermons preached before the University of Oxford, 1871, Sermon III; St. George Mivart, Evolution and its Consequences, Contemporary Review, January, 1872; British and Foreign Evangelical Review, vol. xxi, p. 18, 1872, article on The Theory of Evolution; also pp. 2, 22, 8, 9, 15; The Lutheran Quarterly, Gettysburg, Pa., April, 1872, article by Rev. Cyrus Thomas, Assistant United States Geological Survey, on The Descent of Man, pp. 214, 239, 372-376; The Lutheran Quarterly, July, 1873, article. Some Assumptions against Christianity, by Rev. C. A. Stork, Baltimore, Md., pp. 325, 326; also in same number, see a review of Dr. Burr's Pater Mundi, pp. 474, 475, and contrast with the review in the Andover Review of that period; an article in the Religious Magazine and Monthly Review, Boston, on Religion and Evolution, by Rev. S. R. Calthrop, September, 1873, p. 200; The Popular Science Monthly, January, 1874, article Genesis, Geology, and Evolution, by Rev. George Henslow—this article first appeared in his book Evolution and Religion; article by Asa Gray, Nature, London, June 4, 1874; Materialism, by Rev. W. Streissguth, Lutheran Quarterly, July, 1875, originally written in German, and translated by J. G. Morris, D. D., pp. 406, 408; Darwinismus und Christenthum, von R. Steck, Ref. Pfarrer in Dresden, Berlin, 1875, pp. 5, 6, and 26, reprinted from the Protestantische Kirchenzeitung, and issued as a tract by the Protestantenverein; Oscar Peschel, Abhandlungen zur Erd-und Völkerkunde, Leipsic, 1877, pp. 503, 504—this article first appeared in Ausland, for January 2, 1869 (Peschel was editor of this weekly magazine); Rev. W. E. Adams, article in the Lutheran Quarterly, April, 1879, on Evolution: shall it be Atheistic? John Wood, Bible Anticipations of Modern Science, 1880, pp. 18, 19, 22; Lutheran Quarterly, January, 1881, Some Postulates of the New Ethics, by Rev. C. A. Stork, D. D.; Lutheran Quarterly, January, 1882, The Religion of Evolution as against the Religion of Jesus, Prof. W. H. Wynn, Iowa State Agricultural College—this article was republished as a pamphlet; Canon Liddon, prefatory note to sermon on the Recovery of St. Thomas, pp. 4, 11, 12, 13, and 26, preached in St. Paul's Cathedral, April 23, 1882; Lutheran Quarterly, January, 1882, Evolution and the Scripture, by Rev. John A. Earnest, pp. 101, 105; Glimpses in the Twilight, by Rev. F. G. Lee, D. D., Edinburgh, 1885, especially pp. 18 and 19; the Hibbert Lectures for 1883, by Rev.. Charles Beard, pp. 392, 393 et seg.; F. W. Farrar, D. D., Canon of Westminster, The History of Interpretation, being the Barrington Lectures for 1885, pp. 426, 427; Bishop Temple, Barrington Lectures, pp. 184-186; article Evolution, in the Dictionary of Religion, edited by Rev. William Benham, 1887; Prof. Huxley, An Episcopal Trilogy, Nineteenth Century, November, 1887—this article discusses three sermons delivered by the Bishops of Carlisle, Bedford, and Manchester, in Manchester Cathedral, during the meeting of the British Association, September, 1887; these sermons were afterward published in pamphlet form under the title. The Advance of Science; John Fiske, Darwinism, and other Essays, Boston, 1888; Harriet Mackenzie, Evolution illuminating the Bible, London, 1891, dedicated to Prof, Huxley; H. E. Ryle, Hulsean Professor of Divinity at Cambridge, The Early Narratives of Genesis, London, 1892, preface, pp. vii-ix, pp. 7, 9, 11; Rev. G. M. Searle, of the Catholic University, Washington, article in the Catholic World, November, 1892, pp. 223, 227, 229, 231. For the statement from Keble College, see Rev. Mr. Illingworth, in Lux Mundi. For Bishop Temple, see citation in Laing. For the most complete and admirable acceptance of the evolution theory as lifting Christian doctrine and practice to a higher plane, with suggestions for a new theology, see two sermons by Archdeacon Wilson, of Manchester, S. P. C. K., London, and Young & Co., New York, 1893; and for a characteristically lucid statement of the most recent development of evolution doctrines, and the relations of Spencer, Weissmann, Galton, and others to them, see Lester F. Ward's Address as President of the Biological Society, Washington, 1891; also, recent articles in the leading English reviews. For a brilliant glorification of evolution by natural selection as a doctrine necessary to the highest and truest view of Christianity, see Prof. Drummond's Chautauqua Lectures, published in The British Weekly, London, from April 20 to May 11, 1893.
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