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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 45.djvu/873

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includes the outline of the year's work in geometrical drawing—including sections on measurement, geometry, working drawings, development, decorative drawing, color, historic ornament, design, paper cutting, and model and object drawing. It is marked by the good qualities characteristic of all the books of this series. (American Book Company.)

A new volume of Statistics of Public Libraries, compiled by Weston Flint, has been issued by the Bureau of Education. It contains a list of three thousand eight hundred and four libraries in the United States having over one thousand volumes, arranged by States. Many of them are not what is commonly understood as public libraries, for they belong to schools, societies, and corporations, and a few are even set down as private. With each are given statistics concerning its age, size, income, growth, manner of use, ownership, etc. Prefixed to the list are summaries of these various statistics illustrated by comparative diagrams. A statistical list of public libraries in Canada is appended.

An edition, abridged for the use of junior students, of Baron Roger de Guimps's Pestalozzi, his Aim and Work, is published by C. W. Bardeen, Syracuse, N. Y., in his Standard Teachers' Library. The translation is by Margaret Cuthbertson Crombie, who has also appended brief, suggestive notes and a bibliography of Pestalozzi. (Price, 50 cents.)

The Art of Living in Australia would not be misnamed were it called The Art of Living Everywhere. It is, in fact, a treatise on hygiene and diet, by Philip E. Muskett, intended especially for Australia, but embodying principles that are generally applicable. Its main object is to call attention to the need of improvement in the food habits of Australians, who, the author is impressed, are living in special opposition to their semitropical environment. They are consumers of butcher's meat enormously in excess of any common-sense requirements and beyond any other people, while their fisheries are not developed, market gardening is "deplorably neglected," salads are "conspicuous by their absence," and Australian wine is "almost a curiosity." All this, he thinks, is wrong, and he tries to teach a better way. The Australians are not the only people who need instruction or admonitions on these subjects. In addition to the discussion of the principles of right living—including adaptation to the climate, ablution, bedroom ventilation, clothing, diet, and exercise—the book contains three hundred Australian cookery recipes and accessory kitchen information, prepared by an expert in such matters. (London: Eyre & Spottiswoode.)

In Primary Elections a study of methods for improving the Bases of Party Organization is presented by Daniel S. Remsen. Believing that reform should begin at the primary, the author would have the rules or laws of party aim to induce the largest participation of party members at that meeting. A method should also be provided which would enable minorities to elect their due proportion of delegates. Holding these principles in view, rules and methods are suggested which, while they may not be perfect, are believed to be on the right lines and such as will tend to make candidates feel responsible to the membership of their party rather than to any central power. (New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons' Questions of the Day Series. Price, 75 cents.)

John Phin dedicates his Common-Sense Currency—a practical treatise on money in its relation to national wealth and prosperity—to the farmers and mechanics of the United States, in the hope that the principle it sets forth may help them to detect the sophistries and avoid the traps of cheap-money demagogues, of avaricious and dishonest legislators who sell themselves to class legislation intending to cheat the workingman; and fanatics, honest, perhaps, but ignorant and enthusiastic, whose wild schemes contradict the fundamental principles of monetary science. (New York: Industrial Publication Company.)

The Diseases of Personality and The Psychology of Attention, two well-known and valuable works by the eminent French psychologist, Th. Ribot, are published by the Open Court Publishing Company, Chicago, as numbers 4 and 5 of their Religion of Science Library, at 95 cents each.

In a paper on The Coming Railroad, the Chase-Kirchner aërodromic system of transportation is described and its merits are set forth by the projectors, G. N. Chase