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ly meetings, and has branch societies in Minnesota and Tennessee.

The governmental work in anthropology can not he well overestimated. The National Museum, the Smithsonian Institution, the Army Medical Museum, and the Bureau of American Ethnology are doing much by displays, lectures, publications, and field work. Of field work by outside organizations more than ever before goes on. The Peabody Museum Exploration in Honduras, the Bandelier Expedition to South America, the Mexican work of the American Museum of Natural History and other organizations, the Armour Expedition to Yucatan, and the Hemenway Exploration in the Southwest testify a widespread interest.

There is no question, then, of interest and activity. These are world-wide, and steadily increasing. The real need now is direction of this interest to the best end. It is necessary to so organize and systematize efforts in each department, and in the whole field, that the man of ordinary intelligence may know the meaning of the movement, and come in touch with it profitably. Helps are not entirely lacking. There are journals—the American Anthropologist, American Antiquarian, Archæologist, American Journal of Folklore—these show the trend. Dr. Brinton's Current Notes in Anthropology in "Science" are helpfully directive. Dr. Fletcher's Quarterly Bibliography in the American Anthropologist, and Prof. Mason's Annual Summary of Progress in Anthropology throughout the World (published by the United States National Museum), keep readers informed of recent literature. With these aids the student has but to select his held. First of all, however, he will do well to read a few good books of a general kind. De Quatrefages's Natural History of Man, and The Human Species, Brinton's Races and Peoples, Tylor's Anthropology, Early History of Mankind, and Primitive Culture, are useful. Some of these are by no means recent works, but they will not soon be replaced.


Our readers who have followed with interest Dr. Andrew D. White's papers on the Warfare of Science—and that they are many is amply proved by the constant stream of inquiries as to the publication of the series in book form which we receive—will be pleased to learn that the last division of the subject is now completed. As already announced, The Warfare of Science is to be published as a volume. While this final division is running through the Monthly, the author will continue his careful revision of the preceding portions, already well advanced, and by the time the last installment appears the printer will probably have begun putting the first part into book form. In his earlier chapters Dr. White has shown how theologians have been forced step by step to yield the domination which they asserted in astronomy, meteorology, medicine, and other fields outside their own province. He is now about to trace the advance from fantastic errors to more rational views which the spread of the scientific mode of thinking has compelled them to make in theology itself. This advance has been brought about not so much by direct action on the part of science as by the disposition which science has aroused in men to use their reasoning powers on all matters that are presented to them. The consequence has been that dogmatism and mysticism in preaching and teaching have found fewer and