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Lamb Raising. Pp. 24.—Illinois University: The Chinch Bug. Pp. 64.—Massachusetts: Twelfth Annual Report of the Board of Control, Amherst. Pp. 487.—Michigan: When and What to Spray. By L. R Taft. Pp. 9.—Fruits at South Haven. By T. T. Lyon. Pp. 64.—New York: The San José or Pernicious Scale. Pp. 16.—Treatment of Common Diseases and Insects Injurious to Fruits and Vegetables. Pp. 48.—North Dakota: Bulletin, March, 1895. Ohio: Oats. Pp. 24. Purdue University. Three Subjects. Pp. 42.—United States Department of Agriculture. Experiment Station Record. Pp. 64.

Bachelor of Arts. A Monthly Magazine devoted to University Interests and General Literature. J. S. Wood, Editor. New York. Vol. I, No. 1. May, 1895. Pp. 144. 35 cents, $4 a year.

Bardeen, C. W. A Brief Descriptive Geography of the Empire State. Syracuse, N. Y.: C. W. Bardeen. Pp. 126. 75 cents.

Bean, Barton A. Two New Flounders. Pp. 4.

Bean, Tarleton H. Two New Fishes. Pp. 2 each.

Bean, T. H. and B. A. The New Fish—Gobieidas Broussoneti. Pp. 2.

Beaunis, H.. and Binet, A. L'Année Psychologique (The Psychological Year), 1894. Paris: Félix Alcan.

Boas. Franz. Chinook Texts. Smithsonian Institution. Pp. 278.

Carasso, Dr. and Lieutenant-Colonel G. M., Genoa, Italy. Nouvelle Méthode de Traitement de la Tuberculose Pulmonaire (New Method of Treating Pulmonary Tuberculosis). Pp. 4.

Carter, Oscar C. S. Drilling for Oil and Natural Gas in the Vicinity of Philadelphia. Pp. 7.

Chapman, Frank M. Handbook of Birds of Eastern North America. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 421.

Clarke, Hubert Lyman. The Pterylography of Certain American Goatsuckers and Owls. Smithsonian Institution. Pp. 24.

Cockerell, T. D. A. Geographical Distribution of Scale Insects. Smithsonian Institution. Pp. 12.

Cornell University. Courses of Instruction in Chemistry for 1895-'96. Pp. 22. Courses of Instruction in the Sage School of Philosophy. Pp. 23.

Crocker. Uriel H. The Cause of Hard Times. Boston: Little, Brown & Co. Pp. 108.

Davies, General Henry E. General Sheridan. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 332. $1.50.

Gee, William. Short Studies in Nature Knowledge. An Introduction to the Science of Physiology. New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 213. $1.10.

George, A. J., Editor. Webster's Speech on Bunker Hill Monument. Pp. 34. 20 cents.—Burke's Speech on Conciliation with America, 1775. Pp. 99. 30 cents. Boston: D. C. Heath &Co.

Gould, George M., M. D. An Illustrated Dictionary of Medicine, Biology, and Allied Sciences. Specimens. Philadelphia: P. Blakiston &Son.

Grimes, J. Stanley, Chicago. The Radiate Theory of the Cause of Gravitation. Pp. 9.

Harrington, Mark W. Currents of the Great Lakes. Revised edition. Washington: Weather Bureau. Pp 14. Letterpress and Six Charts.

Hartt, Irene W. How to Make Money, though a Woman. New York: J. S. Ogilvie Co. Pp. 142.

Hill, Robert T. Notes on the Geology of the Island of Cuba. Cambridge, Mass. Pp. 48, with 9 Plates.

Hoffmann, Frank Sargent. The Sphere of the State, or the People as a Body Politic. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 275.

Holley, George W. Magnetism, its Potency and Action. Boston: Arena Publishing Company. Pp. 283. $1.25.

Howard, L. O The Bothiothoracine Insects of the United States. Smithsonian Institution. Pp. 12.

Huidekoper, R S., M.D. The Cat. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 148. $1.

Jarvis, Josephine, Translator. Friedrich Froebel's Pedagogics of the Kindergarten. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 237, with Plates.

Jordan, David Starr. The Story of the Innumerable Company. Palo Alto, Cal.: Stanford University. Pp. 39.

Keen, W. W., M. D., Philadelphia. Amputation of the Female Breast, Pp. 16.—Amputation of the Entire Upper Extremity, etc. Pp. 9, with Plates.

Kerner, Anton Von Marilaun, and Oliver, F. W. The Natural History of Plants, their Forms, Growth, Reproduction, and Distribution. New York: Henry Holt & Co. Pp. 777.

Leffmann, Henry, Dairy and Food Commissioner of Philadelphia. Abstract from the Second Annual Report. Report of Analytic Work. Pp. 16.

Lombroso, Prof Cesare, and Ferrero, William. The Female Offender, with an Introduction by W. Douglas Morrison. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 313, with Plates. $1.50.

Mason, Otis T. The Origins of Invention. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. Pp. 419. $1 25.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston. Entrance Examinations. Pp. 4.—Announcement of Summer Courses. Pp. 10.

Mathews, F. Schuyler. Familiar Flowers of Field and Garden. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 368.

Merrill, George P. Notes on Eruptive Rocks from Gallatin, etc., Counties, Montana. Smithsonian Institution.

Missouri Botanical Garden. Sixth Annual Report. St. Louis. Pp. 133, with Plates.

New Jersey, The, Forester, May, 1895. Bimonthly Edited by John Gifford. May's Landing, N. J. Pp. 12.

Perkins Institution and Massachusetts School for the Blind. Sixty-third Annual Report of the Trustees. Boston. Pp. 299.

Pfuhl, A. C. C. The Maximus Homo; or, the Interpretation of the New Testament. Denver, Col. Pp. 10.

Powell, John W. Canyons of the Colorado. Meadville, Pa.: Flood & Vincent. Pp. 403. $10.—Physiographic Regions of the United States. American Book Company. Pp. 36. 20 cents.

Richmond, Charles W. Diagnosis of a New Genus of Trogons. U. S. National Museum. Pp. 3.

Roscoe, Sir Henry E. John Dalton and the Rise of Modern Chemistry. New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 216. $1.25.

Russell, Israel C. Present and Extinct Lakes of Nevada. American Book Company. Pp. 32, with Maps.

Stedman, J. M. Observations on a So-called Petrified Man. Pp. 10.

Stejneger, Leonhard. A New Salamander from Arkansas. Pp. 3.—On the Specific Name of the Coachwhip Snake. Pp. 2.—Notes on Butler's Garter Snake. Pp. 2.—A New Lizard from California. Pp. 3. U. S. National Museum.

Stevenson, Robert. Electricity a Mode of Motion. San Francisco. Pp. 61. 50 cents.

Story-Maskelyne, N. Crystallography: A Treatise on the Morphology of Crystals. New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 521. $3.50.

Taber, C. A. M. The Cause of Warm and Frigid Periods. Boston: G. H. Ellis. Pp. 80.