and shows a wide acquaintance with both ancient traditions and modern geological writings. (Price, 25 cents.)
A pamphlet entitled A Few Facts about Turkey under the Sultan Abdul Hamid II, by An American Observer, tells of important advances in the railroads, docks, finance, education, army, navy, and other affairs of that country. Several pages are devoted to showing that the Armenians are deceitful and conscienceless agitators. Testimony is given also to the effect that the attitude of the American missionaries toward the Armenians is not always judicious. (Printed by J. J. Little & Co., New York.)
S. Baring-Gould is at his best as a student of mystery, antiquities, traditions, folklore, and myth; and whatever we may find under his name we are sure that some of the results of his studies in these fields are interwoven in the matter. His stories, consequently, depart from the overworked models on which too much of the usual fiction of the day is drawn, and are always certain to afford something novel, fresh, and instructive. These words apply well to his Noémi, which is published by D. Appleton & Co., in their Town and Country Library. The story takes us back to Guienne of five hundred years ago, in what is now southern France. The region—near Domme—is terrorized over by Le Gros Guillem, a leader of the Free Companies, whose supposed daughter—a girl stolen from the Fénelons, and from whom the story is named and her lover who has a leading part in delivering the region from its oppressors—are the central objects of interest. The story, in its plot and general structure, reminds one of Lorna Doone, although the style and method of treatment are vastly different.
The text of Prof. F. E. Rockwood's edition of Cicero's Cato Major, or De Senectute (American Book Company), is substantially that of C. F. W. Müller (Leipsic), but a few variations have been made. The text is supplemented by a general introduction concerning Cicero's life and works; illustrative notes on the pages with the text; grammatical and textual notes, a list of variations from Müller's text, and indexes to the notes and of proper names. The introduction has been made somewhat full in order to present, in convenient form, besides the sketch of Cicero's life, a brief account of what he has accomplished in literature and philosophy. Altogether, this is a very satisfactory edition of one of the most charming essays ever written.
Agricultural Experiment Stations. Reports and Bulletins. Colorado: Hemiptera of Colorado. Pp. 137.—Cornell: Recent Chrysanthemums. Pp. 28.—Feeding Fat to Cows. Pp. 12.—Delaware: Spray Calendar; San Jose Seals Insect in Delaware.—Illinois: Russian Thistle; Potatoes—Michigan: Vegetable Novelties and Notions; Potatoes; Pests of Orchard and Garden; Small Fruit Notes; Native Plums; Russian Cherries; The Apple Orchard.—New York: Forcing Lettuce in Pots; Mushrooms as a Greenhouse Crop; Comparative Profits from Milk, Butter, Cream, and Cheese.—Oregon: Zoölogy. Pp. 11.—United States Department: Protection from Lightning. Pp. 25; Use of Metal Railroad Ties. Pp. 383; Weather and Crop Service. Pp. 15.—Wisconsin: Pasteurization of Milk and Cream for Direct Consumption. Pp. 48.
Bailey, L. H. The Horticultural Rule Book. Macmillan & Co. Pp. 302. 75 cents.
Beddard, Frank E. Zoögeography. Cambridge Natural Science Manuals. Pp. 246.
Biological Lectures. Delivered at Marine Biological Laboratory of Woods Holl, Summer Session, 1891. Ginn & Co. Pp. 287. $2.65.
Blatchford, Robert. Plain Exposition of Socialism. Commonwealth Publishing Company. Pp. 172. 10 cents.
Bulletins and Reports: Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia. Pp. 211 to 290.—American Humane Association: Vivisection and Dissection in Schools.—Coast Survey: Magnetic Declination in Alaska.—Columbia College: The Protolenus Fauna; The Effusive and Dyke Rocks near St. Johns, N. B.; Crystalline Limestones, etc.; Glacial Lakes of Western New York; Recent Glacial Studies in Greenland; On a Granite Diorite from Westchester County, New York.—Geographical Club of Philadelphia: Bulletin No. 5.—Geographical Society (National): Beaches and Tidal Marshes of the Atlantic Coast.—Health Bulletins: Iowa, Tennessee, Wisconsin; Trinity Church Tenements (Sanitary Condition of).—Wagner Free Institute of Philadelphia: Transactions, Vol. III.—Zoölogical Society of Philadelphia: Twenty-third Annual Report.
Fitzgerald, Joseph. Pitfalls in English. Pp. 125.
Galton, Francis. Fingerprint Directories. Macmillan & Co. Pp. 200. $2.
Hittell, John S. The Spirit of Papacy. Pp. 314.
Macdougal, D. T. Experimental Plant Physiology. Henry Holt & Co. Pp. 83. Teachers, $1.
Mennier, Stanislas. La Géologie Comparée. Pp. 292. Germer, Ballière et Cie.
Menschutkin, N. Analytical Chemistry. Macmillan & Co. Pp. 512. $4.50.
Monroe, James P. The Educational Ideal. D. C. Heath & Co. Pp. 262. $1.
Nevin, William M. Lectures on English Literature. Intelligencer Printing Office, Lancaster, Pa. Pp. 485.
Preston, Thomas. The Theory of Light. Macmillan & Co. Pp. 566. $5.
Quinn, Rev. D. A. Stenotypy. Continental Printing Company, Providence, R. I. Pp. 55. $1.50.
Reagan, H. C. Handbook and Chart of Brush Arc Light System. Norman W. Henley & Co. Pp. 48. $1.