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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 47.djvu/641

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Ridgway for certain other birds in southern Illinois and by Dr. Elliott Coues. The latter has observed that the note of Nuttall's whip-poor-will differs from that of the eastern whip-poor-will in that the western species "does not cry 'Whip-poor-will' like" the eastern species, but "drops a syllable, saying 'Whip-poor' or 'Poor-will' as the fancy of the hearer may interpret." Moreover, the practice of mocking the hawk is, at present at least, confined, so far as I know, to the individuals of such a limited area—this one town—that with Mr. Ridgway we must believe this peculiarity exhibited by the blue jay to be scarcely the "manifestation of a regional impress."


DR. DANIEL HACK TUKE, the distinguished English alienist and editor of the Journal of Mental Science, who died early in March, 1895, was a grandson of William Tuke, the founder of the York Retreat, and one of the earliest English workers in the humane treatment of the insane, and was born in York, April 19, 1827. He was a delicate child, of high spirit, and with a turn for investigating; pertinently to which the story is told of him that he once carried the family cat to the woods and left it there, expecting to find it again some day a wild cat. His father being a member of the Society of Friends, he was sent to their school, and afterward to Bradford to study law. Three months' experience in this occupation showed that he had no taste for the law, and he was allowed to gratify his own inclination and study medicine. He held the post of steward at the York Retreat; entered St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London, in 1849; became a member of the Royal College of Surgeons in 1852; was graduated M. D. at Heidelberg in 1853; visited the asylums of Holland, Germany, and France; and in 1857 published his first book, an account of these visits. He was next appointed