the centuries, still influence the mass of mankind. For example, the injunction of the Old Testament, "In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread," which is reiterated from the pulpit as the decree of punishment that weighs as a burden upon mankind, fades in the perception of the grandeur of human effort; while a deeper significance comes to the injunction, "If any would not work neither should he eat"; and to the utterance, "Give every man according to his ways and according to the fruit of his doings." The fallacy that work is for hirelings, and the life of a gentleman a life of leisure, falls in the perception that no servitude is dishonorable, for from the maid in the kitchen to the statesman in the cabinet the efforts of all are in the service of mankind. The widely prevalent and not infrequently lauded practice in business circles, whereunder each party to every exchange endeavors to reap the entire benefit, will disappear. The man who ostentatiously disburses in so-called charity the fortune that he has amassed by sharp practice and overbearing greed will be unknown. When all people clearly perceive that they should receive benefit from all in proportion as they contribute to the benefit of all, the core will be reached of the dissatisfaction that breeds jealousy and distrust between the employer and employee, that leads to the grosser forms of socialism and anarchy; and when that perception is carried into practice the core will be removed. And not least, many of the accepted opinions in regard to the tenure of property acquired by inheritance will join the crumbled belief in the divine right of kings.
This essay, however, has not touched upon those actions whereby benefit is conferred by one upon another under the immediate relationship of family and marriage. The application of the principle to the elucidation of which it has been devoted can not but constantly be traversed by such actions, which comprise the begetting and rearing of children, the care by one for those who, under family ties, are justly dependent upon him, the transfer of property by marriage and inheritance. Did space permit it might be shown that in the last analysis all these actions, which are interwoven with all the other actions of mankind in the continuance and advancement of civilization, rest upon that principle also; that these, in common with all other actions, contribute to ultimate justice to all to the extent that that principle is recognized and given effect.