tion is the essence of sympsychography, a term suggested by Prof. Amos Gridley, of Alcalde, as distinct from the ordinary ideography of Rogers and Lee. The personal equation would be measurably eliminated in sympsychography, while the cat of the human innate idea, the astral cat, the cat which "never was on sea or land," but in accordance with which all cats have been brought into incarnation, would be more or less perfectly disclosed.
In accordance with this plan the experiment was tried under the direction of Mr. Asa Martin. By the courtesy of the secretary of the club. Miss Corintha Jones, of Alcalde, we are enabled
to present a copy of the resultant sympsychograph in advance of the publication of the regular bulletin of the society in which the apparatus used is figured in detail (see Plate 10).
It will be noticed that this picture is unmistakably one of a cat. But it is a cat in its real essence, the type cat as distinguished from human impressions of individual cats. This achievement, like the earlier ones of Odin, Röntgen, Rogers, and Lee, opens great vistas for future scientific research. The next experiment will be by similar means to photograph the cat's idea of man.
As might be expected in a first attempt, there is a lack of coordination of the parts. Mr. Gridley, the schoolmaster, had