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sable to the elucidation of this class of subjects. The publisher assigns, as a reason for its reappearance, that no other work on the subject meets existing requirements. This is a mistake. Both Owen and Huxley are equally eminent authorities in this field, and both have published books on the subject since Siebold—that of Huxley being later by sixteen years.

Free-Hand Drawing. By an Art-Student, author of "Ornamental and Figure Drawing." New York: D. Van Nostrand. 18mo, 85 pp. Price, 50 cents.

This book is an explanation of the primary principles of drawing. It teaches the student to draw straight and curved lines, to mingle them with effect in shading, and to realize the results of varying the direction lines in perspective. It also gives him some hints on studying from Nature, and is, in every thing, clear, simple, and effective. It is illustrated throughout.


Half-Hours with Insects—Part III. By A. S. Packard, Jr. Boston: Estes & Lauriat. 31 pp. Price, 25 cents.

Coal, as a Reservoir of Power, by Robert Hunt, F. R. S.; and Atoms, by Prof. Clifford, M. A. No. 2, Half-Hour Recreations in Popular Science. Boston: Estes & Lauriat. 39 pp. Price, 25 cents.

The Conditions of the Conflict. Oration before the Medical Society of Kings County, N. Y. By Alexander Hutchins, M. D. New York: George F. Nesbitt & Co. 32 pp.

Kindergarten Toys, and how to use them. By Heinrich Hoffman. New York: E. Steiger, 1874. 33 pp. Price, 20 cents.

History of the Colored Schools of Nashville, Tenn. Compiled by G. W. Hubbard. Nashville: Wheeler, Marshall & Prince. 34 pp.

On the Modern Hypotheses of Atomic Matter and Luminiferous Ether. By Henry Deacon. London, 1874. 16 pp.

Longevity, or the Relative Viability of the Sexes, etc. By John Stockton-Hough, M. D. Reprinted from the Medical Record of June 16 and July 15, 1873. 9 pp.

Annual Report of the Supervising Surgeon of the Marine Hospital Service of the United States. From July 1, 1872, to June 30, 1873. By John M. Woodworth, M. D. Washington, 1873. 8vo, 154 pp.

Observations on the Pathology and Treatment of Cholera. By John Murray, M. D. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. 12mo, 58 pp. Price, $1.00.

On the Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Air, and other Permanent Gas, subjected to Compression or Expansion. By Prof. R. H. Thurston. Philadelphia, 1874. 7 pp.

An Extract from the First Volume of the Final Report upon the Geology of New Hampshire. By C. H. Hitchcock. Concord, 1874. 53 pp.

Report of the Civil Service Commission to the President, April 15, 1874. Washington. 98 pp.

A New System of Plane Trigonometry. By Marcius Willson. New York, 1874.

The Philosophy of Evolution, together with a Preliminary Essay on the Metaphysical Basis of Science. By Stephen H. Carpenter, LL.D. Madison, Wis., 1874. 32 pp.

Catalogue of Flowering Plants of the Southern Peninsula of Michigan. By N. Colman. Grand Rapids, 1873. 49 pp.

Report of the Board of Commissioners of the Fourth Cincinnati Industrial Exposition, 1873. 267 pp.

On Geographical Variation in Color among North American Squirrels. By J. A. Allen. Boston, 1874. 21 pp.

Annotated List of the Birds of Utah. By H. W. Henshaw. Salem, 1874. 14 pp.

Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Meeting of the New England Cotton Manufacturers' Association. Boston: L. F. Lawrence & Co., 1874. 29 pp.

Metamorphism produced by the Burning of Lignite Beds in Dakota and Montana. By J. A. Allen. Boston, 1874. 19 pp.

Ancient Faiths embodied in Ancient Names, or an Attempt to trace the Religious Belief, Sacred Rites, and Holy Emblems of Certain Nations. By Thomas Inman, M. D., London. New York: Asa K.