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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 51.djvu/743

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In order to give a summary view of the physical characteristics of the present population which constitutes the two halves of Italy above described, we have reproduced upon the following pages the three most important maps in Livi's great atlas. Based as they are upon detailed measurements made upon nearly three hundred thousand conscripts, they can not fail to inspire confidence in the evidence they have to present. Especially is this true since their testimony is a perfect corroboration of the scattered researches of many observers since the classical work of Calori and Nicolucci thirty years ago. Researches at that time made upon crania collected from the cemeteries and crypts began to indicate a profound difference in head form between the populations of north and south. Then later, when Zampa, Lombroso, Pagliani, and Riccardi[1] took up the study of the living peoples, they revealed equally radical differences in the pigmentation and stature. It remained for Livi to present these new data, uniformly collected from every commune in the kingdom, to set all possible doubts at rest. It should be observed that our maps are all uniformly divided by white boundary lines into compartimenti, so called. These administrative districts correspond to the ancient historical divisions of the kingdom. Their names are all given

Alpine Type. Piedmont. Cephalic Index, 91·3

upon our preceding map of physical geography. Being similar through the whole series, they facilitate comparisons between smaller districts in detail.

The basin of the Po is peopled by an ethnic type which is mani-

  1. Exhaustive bibliography of each of these writers will be found in the Bulletin of the Boston Public Library, mentioned in the note on a preceding page.