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victorious, had no other foe to fear. There are not wanting signs, however, that complete confidence on this point may be somewhat premature. Another enemy has appeared in the field, less severe in aspect than the old theology, but also less disinterestedness sincere, and, strange though it may seem to say so, less open to argument. That enemy is party politics, and the science it especially attacks is the highest science of all—the science of society in its various branches.

The very essence of scientific teaching lies in its freedom. Teaching that is not free can only usurp the name of science. If the word means anything, it means the movement of the human mind toward truth, toward a true comprehension of things. The world and life furnish facts; it is for science to observe, examine, tabulate, co ordinate those facts, and extract from them their widest and deepest meaning. Science does this in the interest of mankind, in order that we may all understand the conditions surrounding us in the world, and apply our energies in the most profitable manner for the promotion of our own and others' happiness.

Bearing this in mind, we may see an ominous sign of the times in an article which appears in the October number of the American Journal of Sociology describing how the Populist party in the State of. Kansas, having captured the State Legislature, proceeded to make a raid on the State Agricultural College, where, after some preliminary maneuvers, they dismissed a considerable portion of the faculty, including the president, in order to insure that the doctrines taught therein should be in a line with Populist politics. The previous government of the college had been all that could be desired; there was no pretense that it had allied itself with any political party as such, or that the teaching given within the college walls had been other than the best thought of competent men dealing disinterestedly and honorably with their several subjects. The idea simply was that here was an opportunity for converting the college into an instrument for promoting Populist views and the success of the Populist party, and that the opportunity was too good to be lost. The first step taken was to pass a resolution to the effect that "the principles maintained by the advocates of land nationalization, public control of public utilities, and the reform of the financial and monetary system shall be fairly stated and candidly examined, with a view of leading the student to grasp the principles involved in the science of production and distribution, without bias or prejudice." To secure more complete freedom from bias or prejudice in the teaching of economics the board next proceeded to take that subject out of the hands of the president, Prof. G. T. Fairchild, who had been in the habit of lecturing on it, and sent for a man after their own heart, whom they found in a certain Professor Will. The lectures of the latter are described as presenting socialistic views as though they were beyond criticism, and as affording much satisfaction to the Board of Regents.

The next step was to declare that the employment of all the professors and instructors should expire on June 30, 1897. This gave the opportunity for getting rid of those whose views were considered in any way objectionable, foremost among whom was the president, who did not, however, wait for the expiration of the period before sending in his resignation. Out of twenty-four teachers twelve were reappointed. Henceforth, therefore, or until the political complexion of the Board of Regents changes, the