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Meteorological Society, London, seeks to put forward the main features of our knowledge of the conditions that prevail in the atmosphere as they are interpreted through the science of to-day. He has written not for the minority, who vaguely wonder at the relation of extraordinary facts and pass on, but for the more numerous class who, besides the facts, want to know the reason why. In successive chapters he presents briefly in clear style the different qualities, phenomena, and operations of the atmosphere, including precipitation, storms, sounds, and colors, and devotes a chapter to flight and another to life in the atmosphere. The latest developments of exploration by kites are explained.

The Report of the Commissioner of Education for 1895-'96, besides the usual departmental information and national and State statistics, contains many papers of value and interest; among which we mention those on laws relating to city school boards, education in various European and South American countries, schools in certain Middle and Southern States during the first half of the century (by A. D. Mayo), music in German schools, libraries and library legislation, the Fifth International Prison Congress, Jewish schools two thousand years ago, correlation of studies, a biography and bibliography of Horace Mann, and an article that savors much of old times and is, withal, very entertaining, on early educational life in middle Georgia.


Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Proceedings. April to September, 1897. Pp. 176, with plates.

Agricultural Experiment Stations. Bulletins and Reports. Ohio: No. 85. Strawberries. By W. J. Green. Pp. 24; No. 86. The Story of the Lives of a Butterfly and a Moth. Pp. 10; Newspaper Bulletin, No. 178. The San Jose Scale and the Periodical Cicada. Pp. 81.—Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind.: Tenth Announcement of the Winter School of Agriculture.—United States Department of Agriculture: Notes on the Grasses and Forage Plants of Iowa, Nebraska, and Colorado. By L. H. Pammel. Pp. 47.

American School of Metaphysics. L. E. Whipple, Principal. Prospectus. 272 Madison Avenue, New York. Pp. 48.

Blackford, C. M., Jr., M. D., Atlanta, Ga. Prize Essay on the Present Status of Serum Therapy. Pp. 16.

Bourgognon, A. Physical Problems and their Solutions. New York: D. Van Nostrand Company. Pp. 222. 50 cents.

Brown, D. W. An Attempt at a Synthetical Demonstration of the Primary Problems of the Differential Calculus. Pp. 20.

Bruce Photographic Telescope. Plates of Nebulæ and Star Clusters. Three plates.

Bureau of American Republics. Code of Commercial Nomenclature—English, Spanish, and Portuguese. Three volumes. Pp. 670, 645, 640.

Call, R. Ellsworth. The Hydrographic Basins of Indiana and their Molluscan Fauna. Pp 12; The Evolution of the Map of Mammoth Cave, Kentucky. Pp. 6, with plates.

Curtis, Carlton C. A Text-Book of General Botany. New York: Longmans, Green & Co. Pp 359. $3.

Dawson, George M. The Physical Geography and Geology of Canada. Toronto: Howell & Hutchinson. Pp. 48; Some Observations tending to show the Occurrence of Secular Climatic Changes in British Columbia. Ottawa: J. Durie & Son; Toronto: The Cobb Clark Company. Pp. 8.

Deane Pumping Machinery Catalogue, 1897. Holyoke, Mass. Pp. 131.

Gilman, Daniel C. Semicentennial Historical Address at Sheffield Scientific School, New Haven, Conn. Published by the School. Pp. 40.

Groner, D. A. N. What is the Force of Gravitation? Kansas City, Mo.: The Acme Publishing Company. Pp. 58.

Haviland, P. W. Science. The Ancient Hebrew Significance of the Book of Genesis. New York: The Author, 205 West One Hundred and Eighteenth Street. Pp. 186. $1.

Heilprin, Angelo. Map of the Arctic Regions, comprising the most Recent Explorations of Peary, Nansen, and Jackson. Geographical Society of Philadelphia.

Iowa Geological Survey. Annual Report, 1896, with Accompanying Papers. Samuel Calvin, State Geologist; J. G. Leonard, Assistant. Des Moines. Pp. 555.

Johns Hopkins University Circulars. November, 1897. Pp. 22. 10 cents.

Mach, Ernst. Popular Scientific Lectures. Translated by T. J McCormack Second edition, revised and enlarged. Chicago: Open Court Publishing Company. Pp. 382. $1.

Means, D. McM. Industrial Freedom, with an Introduction by the Hon. David A. Wells. New York: D. Appleton and Company. Pp. 248.

Merrill, F. J. H. Geological Map of a Part of Southeastern New York, showing the Distribution of Stones used as Building Stones. Albany: New York State Museum.

Newland, A. F., and Row, R. K. The Natural System of Vertical Writing. Six graded books, with a Teacher's Manual. With a Monograph by C. H. Ames. D. C. Heath & Company. Price of each book, 75 cents per dozen.

Olmstead, D. H. The Protestant Faith; or, Salvation by Belief. Third edition. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 80.

Parker, Francis W., and Helm, N. L. Uncle Robert's Visit. New York: D. Appleton and Company. Pp. 191.

Peabody Education Fund. Proceedings of the Trustees at the Thirty-sixth Meeting, 1897. Pp. 65.

Roche. Georges. La Culture des Mers en Europe (Cultivation of the Seas in Europe). Paris: Félix Alcan. Pp. 328 6 francs.

Scovill & Adams Company, of New York. The American Annual of Photography and Photographic Times for 1898. Pp. 370. 75 cents.

Seitz, J. A. The Colloquy (Poem). New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 236. $1.75.

Somatose. American Biscuit and Manufacturing Company, New York.