one between Lauffen and Frankfort, during the exposition at the latter place some years ago. This distance is one hundred miles, and, although the work was experimental and only intended to show what could be done, it was entirely successful, notwithstanding that the amount of power transmitted was only three hundred horse power.
From the few examples given in the foregoing paragraphs it can be seen that the electrical transmission of water powers to points where they can be conveniently utilized has passed far beyond the

Interior of Generating Station. Big Cottonwood Power Company.
experimental stage, and that the business of supplying apparatus for such purposes has already assumed large proportions, with every prospect that before long it will be a very important, if not the most important, branch of the electrical industry.
A contemplation of the results that may follow development along this line must lead to the conclusion that manufacturing centers will be materially changed. In many kinds of industry power is used so extensively that its cost is an item of the greatest importance,