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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 52.djvu/891

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Chemical Elements, Discovery of New. C. Winkler 825
Chemistry of a Silk Jacket. (Frag.) 428
Chinese White Wax. (Frag.) 426
Citizen Training, An Experiment in. Winifred Buck 111
Clapp, H. L. School Gardens* 445
Color Photography, History of. (Frag.) 138
Coral Island Forms, The Origin of. (Frag.) 855
Correction, A. (Corr.) 700
Crater Lake, Oregon. (Frag.) 716
Cummings, E. G. A Spring Visit to Nassau* 772
Curious Optical Phenomenon, A. H. M. Stanley. (Corr.) 412

Dahlias and "Cactus" Dahlias. (Frag.) 280
Death, Fear of. G. Ferrero 236
Delbœuf, M. J. In a World Half as Large 678
Dellenbaugh. F. S. Fabric-marked Pottery* 674
Distribution of Species by Man. (Frag.) 138
Drummond's Mistake. (Corr.) 699
Duhem, M. P. The First Thermometers 688
Dynamite, Explosiveness of. (Frag.) 569

Education, Abstractions in. (Table) 125
"as a Factor in Evolution. (Table) 554
"in Bonds. (Table) 412
"in the Animal Kingdom. C. Letourneau 527
"of an Engineer, The. (Frag.) 137
"Physical Training in the Colleges. F. E. Leonard 622
"School Gardens. H. L. Clapp* 445
"The Uses of. (Table) 266
Electric Transmission of Water Power, The. William Baxter, Jr* 730
Enchanted Mesa. The. (Frag.) 716
English Composition "as it is Taught." (Frag.) 859
Ethics, Evolutionary. Herbert Spencer 497
Evans, E. P. Section's Scientific Researches in Australia* 17
Evans, Sir J. Archæology and the Antiquity of Man 93
Evolution and Design. (Table) 843
"and Teleology. Rev. J. A. Zahm 815
"of the Mind. D. S. Jordan 433
Evolutionary Ethics. Herbert Spencer 497

Fairbanks, H. W. The Great Sierra Nevada Fault Scarp* 609
Feet and Hands. Mrs. Henry Bernard* 333
Feet and Hands. Mrs. Henry Bernard* 522
Fernald, F. A. Our Liquor Laws as seen by the Committee of Fifty 216
Ferrero, G. The Fear of Death 236
Fibers, Classification of. (Frag.) 285
Floating Bog, The Career of a. (Frag.) 279
Flora of the Sandwich Islands. (Frag.) 571
Ford, W. C. The Question of Wheat. I 760
Foreign Element in American Civilization. A. H. Hyde 387
Forest Reserves, The United States. C. D. Walcott 456