the War of 1812, constrain immigration. 4. Not accident, but deep affinities, have guided the northern Europeans to North America, Australasia, and South Africa, the southern Europeans to South America and North Africa. In these officinæ gentium new types will be generated by the fusion of allied varieties. And, finally, it may be that, in the primeval seats of mankind (if such there were), these new types will be themselves reblended into the one original race from which they sprang, but now immeasurably stronger, wiser, happier, and better.
Emigration is thus at first exclusively, and to the last predominantly, masculine in all its aspects. It is conducted by the heroic strand of humanity, the manlier races and their most vigorous sections; by these at the emergence of national manhood; by individuals of a strenuous type by the masculine classes and professions, aggressive religions, the male sex, and at the age of maturity; they are long actuated by the motives that govern the male animal; the earliest agencies are the spiritualization of the male mode of propagation, and the direction is at the beginning that of greatest attractiveness (as of a bride) and latterly the line of least resistance (as if toward a bridegroom). The feminine races, ranks, professions, sects, and sex—feminine elements along the whole sociological scale—join one by one in the fugue, and make at length of each colony a complete reproduction, yet with new attributes, of the mother country.